Dec 04 2009

A Heartwarming Reading

Published by Kay Mok under Danny Senna

After reading Where Did You Sleep Last Night and being told that everything in it is real, I was shocked. I was surprised of the union (although not for long) of Danzy Senna’s parents, amazed by how Danzy Senna’s stories were deeply moving but her incorporation of humor into the stories lightened the burden of sadness on my shoulders, saddened that her childhood was basically ruined by her parents’ divorce, and impressed that Senna can both write and talk about her personal life in front of so many people. It was heartwarming that Senna, although revealed so much about her and her family, wanted to protect her second family, especially her son. Even my “conversation” with Senna did not feel too intimidating as she had a smile all the time and answered my question with humor and ease.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A Heartwarming Reading”

  1.   alexxxon 07 Dec 2009 at 10:59 pm

    She will be a great mom because she understands what she went through on a much deeper meaning now that she is older and she will be able to provide for her children a much more smoother and experience. She gets it from both the child’s perspective as well as the parent’s.

  2.   Fabiana Sagreraon 06 Dec 2009 at 12:44 am

    I think that she needed to say it all about her family in order to have no more secrets and allow for a fresh new generation without any mysteries. I truly admire that, she seems like a great mom. 🙂