Dec 09 2009


Published by Samantha under Short Films


So I read other’s posts in the short film section and I notice a disturbing recurring theme in the blogs about Wasp. Everyone is talking about how hard the mother has it, and how she is a victim of circumstance . . . rather than her own actions. This is shocking and terrifying if it is truly a reflection of our mentality today. I understand that they are poor and struggling and she is young, but that in no way is an excuse for her behavior or the way she acts with her children. Having witnessed too many times young girls that get pregnant and neglect their children because they decide drinking and getting high is more important because they’re young and they want to act their age, I’m disgusted that everyone seems to find this as a reasonable excuse. Every action has a consequence and before they tried to act like adults, they should have thought about everything they stood to lose. I’m not a big fan of abstinence only programs, but if this is really how we treat young mothers then I’m ready to help Nathalay as much as I can so more girls (and guys) make the same mistake.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “T_T;;;;;”

  1.   Aon 12 Dec 2009 at 3:08 am

    For me the sympathy wasn’t for Zoe being a bad mother by leaving her kids unattended, but rather for Zoe not even having the time to go out on her own to do something fun every now and then.

  2.   Zerxis Presson 10 Dec 2009 at 6:17 pm

    As Angela mentioned, it is not an excuse, however if she still had the father of her children, things might have been very different. That is the point of the movie.

  3.   Kay Mokon 10 Dec 2009 at 2:30 pm

    I actually think that she really loved her children from all the little things that she does. And her reason for approaching Dave might be just to find a lover for herself AND a father for her children, although we shouldn’t assume or analyze her characteristics.

  4.   Angela Ngon 10 Dec 2009 at 12:33 am

    I don’t think it’s an excuse for there to be more single mothers out there. The film was simply trying to convey the hardships of a single mother to a very critical audience. It did its job well enough.