Sep 11 2012

Boring Job, Stable Money.

Published by under Show & Tell,Uncategorized

One day I was playing handball at the park with my friend. While we were playing, he asked me what I wanted to do with my life and what I planned to major in since I was applying to colleges at the moment. I told him I did not have an idea as to what I really wanted to do, so he asked me what I liked to do and what I found interesting. After a few minutes of thinking, I realized I love math. Regardless of how difficult it may seem to others, I love how structured it was and how everything had to be done a certain way in order to find the answer to something. I also told him that the one thing that I looked for when deciding what I wanted to do in college was something stable and that will always have a job available no matter how bad the job market may be. He then told me that I might really enjoy accounting. At first I looked at him, but then after a while I realized I actually might enjoy accounting. Even though people say it’s boring and the only thing good about accounting is the stability, but I enjoy the idea of having my own little cubicle and just sitting by a computer and just doing audits and bookkeeping things. That is when I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in business and major in accounting.


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Boring Job, Stable Money.”

  1.   dfunderlichon 13 Sep 2012 at 1:33 am

    At first, I thought how could you write an anecdote on a tiny ball. Then I was blown away by how much you have written on the ball. Your inspiring story truly reveals that great ideas can come at any time! I think you have made the right decision to be an accounting major. Have you ever thought of the ball as a metaphor to symbolize your life rolling along a path? What other metaphors from your anecdote could help represent your decision?


  2.   Cassie Luion 18 Sep 2012 at 2:11 am

    I never thought about the ball symbolizing my life rolling along a path, I think that’s a rally great metaphor David!


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