Sep 16 2012

Can it get “More” Depressing

Published by under MORE,Uncategorized

It has been twenty minutes since I finished watching More and I still have the chills. I feel like a gloom has come over me and I cannot shake off this horribly depressing feeling. The ominous music is still playing over and over again in my head. The one scene that really resonated with me is when the man/figure/piece of clay achieved success. He is deemed the greatest inventor of all time for creating a product that allows everyone to escape reality by looking through these special lenses. After they raise a statue of him, he literally looks inside himself and finds that he is empty, devoid of the light within.  His creativity is gone. His passion is gone. He is alone and finally realizes that his dream of a better life was shallow and shortsighted. He thought escaping reality would create a better one. Instead nothing  changed. People still buy products they think will make them happy. The boss of the factory is still oppressive and the world is still devoid of color. I think the scariest part of this film is that it is reflective of our society. A society where people believe that a product can make them happy and where people try as hard as they can to escape reality rather than confront it. It is that idea that leaves me with the chills twenty minutes after the film is over.


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Can it get “More” Depressing”

  1.   dfunderlichon 20 Sep 2012 at 2:57 am

    I love the creative title! I like how your introduction incorporates your personal experience while introducing your topic. The film left me with the chills at the end also. I believe the whole class had this feeling. I like your point about how people just buy things thinking it will make them happy. This has become a major problem within our society. I also agree with your idea that people try to escape reality rather than confronting it. What do you think the main idea that this short film is trying to convey?


  2.   jackelynediazon 20 Sep 2012 at 4:45 am

    I really like the connection you made to society towards the end of your post. I made a similar conclusion watching the film but to me it seemed that a lot of us aspire to achieve what the clay figure did. We want to be the best. We want fame and wealth but when we acquire it we simply fall right back into the cycle of misery that we were originally trying to escape. A very depressing thought, but a sad reality in our society.


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