Sep 21 2012

Letting the Audience Decide

Published by under WASP

Watching “Wasp” seriously messed with my emotions. I went from crying, to gasping, to nervously laughing all within a few minutes. There were several aspects of the film that caused this and that made it feel unique. One was the shakiness of the camera. This made it feel immature and haphazard, much like the main character herself. It also made the film feel less polished and more real, which made me respond as if I was seeing an intimate home movie of the characters. Also, the music playing throughout “Wasp” – mostly upbeat pop songs – was an interesting choice for such serious subject matter. It gave it a hopeful feeling that underscored the film and provided greater room for personal interpretation of the events shown. I think Andrea Arnold really makes her film stand out by using these subtle touches which encourage her audience to take pause and wonder how they should be responding to her film.








2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Letting the Audience Decide”

  1.   dfunderlichon 27 Sep 2012 at 3:21 pm

    I like how you brought in your emotions in your introduction to connect with the reader. I found Zoe living conditions appalling when I saw the mold on the bread. I like the parallel you draw between the camera being shaky and Zoe being immature and haphazard.Why do you think Arnold created this effect? I think she did it to seem more real and personal. I agree with you that the pop songs brings a hopeful tone during the movie. What did you think about the ending of “Wasp” and what do you think is in the future of the children?


  2.   jacquelinebiermanon 23 Oct 2012 at 3:17 pm

    I liked hearing your emotions in response to the film. They were absolutely true to the movie, as the movie packed in so much within a few short minutes. The director’s filming choices were certainly instrumental in establishing a feel for the film, and in turn, eliciting responses such as yours. I really liked reading your reaction to the movie.


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