Oct 10 2012

Jody Sperling & Dance: A Love Story

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When I heard that Jody Sperling was going to give us a lecture on Loie Fuller and skirt dancing my initial reaction was one of bewilderment. Who is Loie Fuller I wondered? What is skirt dancing? I almost felt like there was no lecture and I was being pranked. I have never heard of Loie Fuller and was completely ignorant when it came to skirt dancing. Jody Sperling changed all of that. As I sat through the lesson i was entranced by the videos of women dancing lost in the light and fabric. I could not even see their bodies. I have never seen such a combination of light fabric and music all in perfect harmony. The videos she showed us changed my previously cynical perspective on the matter. Before i though the entire lecture was a joke. As the lesson went on I recognized how much hard work and dedication goes into each dance and how all of the pieces come together to form such a beautiful work of art. Personally, the most inspiring part of the lecture was the fact that Jody raises money for her dance studio from many small donations. I was truly shocked at the wide support they received from people who genuinely cared. Their shared passion kept this artwork alive.  It is the passion of Jody Sperling, Loie Fuller and countless others that I will never forget. Their dedication to this art is what will stay with me forever.

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