Oct 10 2012

A new found appreciation for dance

Published by under TimeLapse Dance

When choreographer, Jody Sperling, came to our class to talk about her dancing company, Time Lapse Dance, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I never really got into the dance part of theatre, or the art behind it, and truthfully at first I wasn’t looking forward to hearing someone talk about dance.  But it was a nice surprise to learn about a whole different style of dance that I’ve never heard about before that day; skirt dancing.

Some of you might recognize this as the poster in Rachel’s apartment in the television show, Friends.

I found it interesting that not only the dance, but the garments played a role in the performance.  Jody Sperling showed us various videos, and the skirt is used to make different shapes and rhythmic patterns throughout the dance.  There are many different types of dances with names, such as the serpentine or the butterfly, that describe the feeling and movement behind each dance.  The style of skirt dancing has also evolved since the late 1890s, when dancers like Loie Fuller were experimenting with new ways to do the skirt dance.  The costumes have become much larger and much more extravagant.  When you see a performance, it seems very simple and easy to make the shapes and movements with the skirts, but it is quite the contrary.  Jody Sperling told us to imagine holding are arms out straight for minutes on end.  I tried to do this and after about 30 seconds my arms were burning with lactic acid.  It makes you realize and respect the talent and effort that goes into these dances.

I also really respect and admire Jody Sperling for her passion towards Time Lapse Dance.  Each year she has fundraisers to be able to have performances.  She also asks for donations from many friends and others that appreciate the arts.  It shows that she isn’t in it for the fame or fortune, but for the true and authentic love of dancing, and sharing this unique experience with as many people possible.  I now realize the importance of dance as a form of art, and any other type of art.  It is important to pay respect to the arts and the time and work that goes into all of it.  People need to support the arts to encourage artists, such as Jody Sperling, to continue their amazing work for the world to admire.



One response so far

One Response to “A new found appreciation for dance”

  1.   bmcintyreon 22 Dec 2012 at 11:53 am

    Although this presentation wasn’t really one of my favorites I did have to respect the efforts of Jody Sperling and especially Loie Fuller. Fuller’s perseverance and undying efforts to get her art form realized was truly inspiring.


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