Oct 11 2012

Dancing with the Twirling Sheets

Published by under TimeLapse Dance

I am pleased to announce that I have learned about a new type of dance! A dance involving twirling sheets and pretty lights. The name of this dance is the Time Lapse Dance and it coalescences choreography, design, and music.  I found that the changing sheet colors during the danced was a neat effect. There are also several different motions and garments to accompany this dance. I really like how multiple colors are blended on some of the sheets during the dance. This creates a very interesting and beautiful new art form.

I would love to see this dance in person so I could truly appreciate Jody Sperling’s vision.

Jody Sperling was our guest speaker, and she taught us about her non-profit organization Time Lapse Dance. Sperling loves dance and its her passion. More people are needed like her to revolutionize art.She gave us some interesting information about dance including that dance is funded by private donors and the government.  Its great that people are willing to donate their hard earned money to fund cultural projects like dance. Art forms like dance enhance culture, captivate young minds, and inspires people to create newer and better things. I also learned that most European countries support things like the arts a lot more than we do in the United States primarily because Americans rely more on private donors than the government. We watched several videos demonstrating the dances, and I was truly blown away by the twirling sheets and blended colors.

I was surprised to learn it requires tremendous strength to hold your arms up for several minutes at a time! I am impressed that dancers have this much strength. Most of the outfits were white and the lights would shine through them creating several pretty colors.

I appreciate Jody Sperling educating the class on a new dance form.


Imagine provided by timelapsedance.com

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