Oct 11 2012

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing


The documentary, The Waiting, directed and written by Peter Nicks, was one of those films that I must recommend people to see. I actually hate doctors and the hospital. I don’t like the atmosphere nor do I like the idea of needles. This documentary actually shows what it’s like to be in the waiting room. The amount of people that come in and out, the kind of sickness that walks through the doors, the wait, the type of people. This documentary just shows everything that no one really sees. In my opinion, I just thought the waiting just had family members or friends waiting for the person in the hospital to get out. However, in reality, the majority people in the waiting room are actually waiting to be checked and to get treated for their pain. People are sitting there and waiting for hour and hours.  The one thing that stood out to me was the one guy who came in multiple times for marijuana and alcohol abuse. He was checked and nothing serious was wrong, just did too much marijuana and alcohol, but when the social worker called his pastor to make sure he had a safe place to go to and the pastor said no. I was just shocked. I thought a pastor would take anyone in, in hopes to change that person, but the pastor said he will not take him. When the doctor heard that, he basically let the man stay in the hospital because he had no place to go. It’s sweet that he let him stay, but it does restrict another person being helped from the waiting room. Other than that, this documentary really opened my eyes to what really goes on in the hospital waiting room. An amazing documentary in my opinion.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing”

  1.   Victoria Checaon 21 Dec 2012 at 2:14 pm

    I also dislike going to the hospital. It is a really depressing place to be in. Bur it is a place for hope. Hope that people will be healthy again. But this documentary exposes just one day in a hospital and yet it showed so many things going on. I appreciate the dedicated nurses and doctors. But I don’t appreciate the long lines and hours of waiting for a person to be checked on. People’s health is a priority and yet they still have to wait.


  2.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 2:44 pm

    I think everyone hates going to the hospital. But this is the reality every hospital faces. Even when I went to the emergency room for a twisted ankle I had to wait for hours before being take in. And this was at NYU Medical Center and I had insurance. The system needs to changes so that every one is taken care of.


  3.   nayoungahnon 21 Dec 2012 at 7:36 pm

    Who knew there could be such drama in a day within one place and people waiting for the same objectives, to be cured. It was interesting to see you admit your initial feeling towards doctors and hospitals. I too shared mutual thoughts (maybe for a different reason) however, this film gave me hope that there are doctors (like the one from the documentary) who try to give the best for the patient although it may cost him going around the conventional procedures. I feel this documentary contains so many controversies within our society t really opened my eyes.


  4.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 9:40 pm

    It makes me happy that you really enjoyed this documentary. It was done very well and really gives great insight into the craziness of the waiting room. I had similar feelings when the pastor denied to help the man. It seems a little out of character for a pastor to do such a thing. But you also have to remember that sometimes they keep trying to help someone and there never seems to be any change, so it’s difficult to continue to be in that situation.


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