Oct 11 2012

The Woman Behind the Dress

Published by under TimeLapse Dance

The flowing choreography of Loie Fuller is unlike anything I have ever seen. The technique she exhibits is so foreign to me because in all other dances I have seen, the dancers try to emphasize their body movements but Fuller uses a style that hides them. The way in which her long, flowing dress billows and moves enables it to hide her almost entirely while creating a brilliant spectacle. The dress is the true star if the show much like a puppet being manipulated for an audience. One of the most perplexing things about this presentation was that I had never seen anything like it before. How had something this original evaded my awareness until now? I hope that with the help of new dance companies this dance can continue to live on and I will hopefully be able to see a live performance some day.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “The Woman Behind the Dress”

  1.   dfunderlichon 17 Oct 2012 at 4:07 am

    I have never seen anything like this either! I have never seen dancing before today, so you have more knowledge of dance than me. I liked your analogy of the puppet being manipulated for the audience. I also thought that it was very original and I also hope to see a live performance one day! I wish she would have done a demonstration in class. What did you like best about the presentation?


  2.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 9:11 pm

    I feel like this is a hidden dance that only the lucky few get to know about. I hope it does gain more popularity though because it is a very beautiful dancing technique. I like that you understand that it’s more about the patterns and flowing material on the costume rather than the body movements that make up the dance. Even though it still does take a lot of movement and can be very strenuous.


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