Oct 19 2012

A night full of Surprise and Memories.

Published by under Carmen

I gently strolled to the Metropolitan Opera building and was completely blown away by the architecture of the building. The interior of the building was even more mind blowing and reminded me of the showroom in the Wynn Casino. The water show outside of the Opera made me homesick because it reminded me of the water show at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

This was my first Opera and I actually learned a lot from this experience. At first I thought an Opera was just a play with just a little singing in it, but I was shocked to learn that an Opera was mainly singing. I also thought that Carmen would be performed in English, but it was performed in its original language French.

At first I was under the impression that I wouldn’t be able to see the performance, but I could see everything perfectly. Surprisingly, I knew most of the Opera songs by heart. This is probably due in part to these songs being implemented into our popular culture through movies and television.  I enjoyed the music and was impressed that the performers could have their voices carry through the entire building. The reading of Carmen in class enhanced my understanding of the play and made it easier to follow. The dancing was beautifully performed and I was blown away by the costumes. Don Jose and Carmen did an amazing job and I was impressed by the palpable emotions in the final act. I plan on visiting more Operas in the future due to this truly amazing experience!


Image Source: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2007/09/24/arts/20070925_METGALA_SLIDESHOW_index.html

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A night full of Surprise and Memories.”

  1.   Thomas Seuberton 21 Oct 2012 at 7:43 pm

    I recently commented on Brian’s post saying how uninspiring the libretto reading was. But what I forgot to add was written in your post. Reading the libretto before the opera made me understand what was going on a lot easier. If not for that, I might have been very lost.


    •   dfunderlichon 06 Dec 2012 at 12:48 pm

      I agree with you that the libretto helped me understand it, but I also agree that the libretto was also uninspiring.


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