Oct 19 2012

Carmen Review

Published by under Carmen

As always I am amazed when I go to the Metropolitan Opera.  Just the beauty and atmosphere of Lincoln Center make me feel as if I’m in another world.  As the chandeliers are raised and the lights are dimmed, my heart starts pounding and my eyes are glued to the stage.  I love hearing the orchestra, but I am sitting in anticipation for the curtain to rise and the performance to begin.  The performance of Carmen was breathtaking, and I especially loved the tenor who played Don Jose.  His voice was very pure and his vibrato resonated throughout the entire theatre.  There were times when I had the chills from hearing the notes he was hitting.  My favorite Act had to be the third, when Don Jose leaves Carmen.  Their voices expressed so much emotion and I could just feel the pain that Don Jose was feeling when he didn’t want to leave Carmen.  It basically broke my heart.  Overall my experience at the opera was extraordinary, and I was glad that I was able to share the night with my IDC class.

Don’t we look snazzy!


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Carmen Review”

  1.   Victoria Checaon 16 Dec 2012 at 11:03 pm

    That is a really cute picture. Everyone looks so fancy! Being part of the Met also made me feel like I was part of a place that I didn’t belong. Going to this sophisticated event was really exciting. Getting to the place on time was quite a mission since we got out the train and we had to take a cab or else we would have been late. Good thing, we were there on time. I think we were sitting next to each other in the opera. Thanks for telling me how to turn on the subtitles! And I also was glad to share this unforgettable opera experience along with you and our IDC class!


  2.   bmcintyreon 22 Dec 2012 at 12:09 am

    We do all look pretty good in that picture but more importantly I liked your post because I know you have a background with opera which leads me to believe that you know what you’re talking about vibratos and such so when we go to the next show I’ll hang with you.


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