Nov 15 2012

Wild With Confusion

Published by under Wild With Happy

Once again out of my element seeing some off-broadway theater and once again trying to enter with an open mind. Wild With Happy was very unique in its plot as well as the way it was performed. The story of Gil and the struggles he faces with the passing of his mother was a touching subject that many can relate to. His Aunt Glo provides a comedic flare to the performance as she yells and trades sarcastic remarks with Gil. Though I did not much care for the majority of the dialogue I was very impressed by the sets. Throughout the performance the coffins from the beginning scenes transformed into a park bench, a closet and even the seats of a car. The innovation exhibited here reflects the versatility as well as the creativity of a the cast and the show as a whole. Even though I’m not the biggest theater buff as I’m sure you could guess from my house divided post,

my mind changed as I wrote this post. As I struggled to find things I liked so this post wasn’t totally negative, I found it harder to find things I disliked. So even though I didn’t love the show I think it would be unwarranted to say that I hated it.

One response so far

One Response to “Wild With Confusion”

  1.   jackelynediazon 24 Nov 2012 at 6:12 pm

    I don’t feel like such a big jerk reading this because judging from all of our classmates’ responses to Wild With Happy we seem to be alone in our distaste for this play. I had a similar experience writing my post finding out that there weren’t any things I despised about the play. It allowed me to come to the conclusion that although I personally didn’t find the dialogue funny, the play itself was impressive in it’s accomplishments. The use of the coffins as you mentioned was incredibly impressive as well as the acting by all four characters. Although it didn’t appeal to my taste, I agree that I can’t say I hated it.


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