Nov 18 2012

Modern Dance… Oh No

Quite simply, I didn’t get it. I tried. I really did, but as much as I like interpreting things, this was too much. All of a sudden the performers started convulsing. Then, apparently they were doing something called “twerping.” The best parts where when the performers were all doing motions in unison because it seemed like at least this was supposed to be happening. With all that said, I have never seen any sort of modern dance before. It may be an acquired taste like bitter wine or whiskey. I don’t really know how to watch something like what I saw at the Barnard Project. Is is the individual motions? Is it the entire performance? The reason I like literature so much is that it provides a story, something going on in the foreground which makes the ride entertaining. Meanwhile, in the background motifs link the work together. At this production, I felt like I was in a fairytale land only dealing with the “background stuff.” It was nice to say I did it, but I don’t think I will go back.


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