Nov 18 2012


The Barnard Project “Besotted Bumper,” by Reggie Wilson, one of four new works at New York Live Arts

Before I start to rant and rave about the awfulness and horrific performance know as “The Barnard Fall Project” I would like to write a disclaimer. It was not the dancers’ fault. I repeat! It was not the dancers’ fault. I think after that performance all of them need a hug. Again I do not blame the dancers for the performance but rather the choreographer and the drunk guy that chose the soundtrack or lack thereof. I mean it was a dance performance without music!! Who’s idea was that?! And when there was music it did not quite redeem the moments of silence.

The soundtrack sounded like it would be better suited for an adventure through a safari in futuristic Africa. If that can even do justice to the weirdness of the music. These were all problems with the production before the dancing itself which was barely recognizable as dance. Most of the production consisted of these girls being dragged across the floor in bizarre outfits that matched the weirdness of the soundtrack.



I think this entire performance will haunt me for a while. From the mystery of the soundtrack, costumes, and random tape placing I will never recover from this “dance” production. All I can do is hope that the dancers recover from the weirdness they were put through. I just hope that somewhere someday the choreographer and producer look back at this performance and say “What the hell were we thinking?”




2 responses so far

2 Responses to “SWIM….SWIM….SWIM…..”

  1.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 2:56 pm

    You’re right, what was the tape about? I think you’re being a little too harsh on the performance though. As strange and disturbing as it was, there were points where you could have seen some sort of connection or main idea to the dance. The no music points were awkward but maybe it was done on purpose. I don’t know, I’m not a dancer, or swimmer.


  2.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 9:33 pm

    I still don’t understand all the stuff with the tape. I don’t think I will ever really understand that performance. Even if the choreographer had explained the meaning behind it, I still probably would not be able to understand anything about it. I agree with you that it was not the dancers’ fault. They did a good job and executed (whatever it was that they were doing) very well. I commend them for all their hard work, even if the audience didn’t really understand it. Oh did I mention that I didn’t understand the performance?!


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