Nov 20 2012


Published by under Wild With Happy

I am sorry that I got to the play late. Thankfully, they still let me into the play. However, I had to wait until the next scene to enter. At least, I got a seat close to the stage. It was a great seat except for the fact that there was this lady’s big hair in my way and I constantly kept on moving around to see the stage.

The play was very humorous and entertaining. At first I didn’t understand what was going on, but I knew that the main character was experiencing a death in the family. I actually got confused in the second scene because the same actress played different people. I didn’t realize that she was a different character until the name of the character was said.

I did enjoy the over-the-top acting by Aunt Glo. I thought the valor cheetah print suit with the fanny pack perfectly fit her persona. She is loud and obnoxious, just like her outfit. Every single character acted as though they wanted the audience to be part of the scene and stressed each word and emotion. We get to see the actors in a more up-close and intimate level. The fast-paced conversations and witty banters made the play so much more enjoyable.

There multiple uses of different types of media from the acting to the projections for the background. The video of Gil’s mother as Cinderella was quite cute. The use of the map for the car chase along with the sounds of the car crash when Aunt Glo drove added more to the story. The transition into each scene was interesting. I would have never expected that the coffins were able to transform into a closet, a car seat and a park bench. Mo, Gil’s friend, opened the coffins in a sexy, hilarious way. It was as if he was trying to seduce the audience with his winks and sashaying while transitioning the scenes.

The playwright cleverly incorporated a serious issue of coping with death with Cinderella, as a symbol hope of dreams and happiness. In Cinderella’s room, Gil had a change of heart on how he viewed life. At the end of the play, I couldn’t help but awe at the fact that Gil got his shoe back from his Prince Charming, Terry. This has been one of my favorite plays that I have seen so far. I was glad to know that the play was going to continue on for another week because I would give others a chance to view this amazing play.

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