Nov 20 2012

Dancing the Night Away

Published by under The Barnard Fall Project

I was expecting dance like you would see on an episode of Dancing with the Stars, but I was glad that I got to become familiar with a new form of dance. It was hard to follow, but I really enjoyed it. I learned that modern dance can take many forms, like when I learned how art could take many forms like it did at The Museum of Modern Art.

Modern dance shows that our culture changes rapidly and new forms of dance can influence culture. Also new styles of music and art can influence modern dance. It suggests that dancers need to be strong and athletic in order to endure the physical stress of dancing. This dance suggests the human form can take many shapes and sizes. It also suggests that it can morph into several things and perform many actions like swimming. It shows the versatility of the human form like the versatility of modern dance. I thought the costomes were well crafted and wholeheartedly added to the performance. The silence added to the performance by making the audience think and focus their attention on the dancing.

The Pond Dance confused me, but I thought it was pretty good. I didn’t understand why the dancers said swim, but I later figured out that they were in a pond. The LindenLeahMarthaScottCatherine dance also confused me, but I liked it. I didn’t understand  why when one dancer would be introduced and dancer that was introduced would say she was someone else. I felt the dances got better in the second act with the Beth Gill dance being my favorite.

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