Nov 20 2012

Probably the Best I’ve Seen.

Published by under Wild With Happy

I do apologize for not attending the Sunday I was suppose to see Wild With Happy, but I did take the time out this weekend to watch it with my friend. Of course, he was not happy that I was dragging him out on a Saturday night to watch an off-broadway play, but I told him that if he did I’ll buy him food (bribery always works). After the show, his reaction was priceless. I loved it and I was so happy I went to see this, and he just couldn’t stop talking about how amazing it is. He basically told me I had to go see another off-broadway play with him.

Anyways, this play was my favorite out of all the things we have done in this class. It was so creative. I thought House/Divided was creative, but this beats it. The fact that they were using coffins as a prop. The coffins would change into a park bench, a car, and a closet was unexpected. Plus, I never thought you can use coffins in an other form other than for funerals. I don’t look at coffins as something to use as an example of simple things such as a park bench, so I thought that was truly interesting how the coffins were being used.

The actors in the play were just amazing because I felt like they were trying to connect to the audience. The emotions they put behind their lines were as if they were speaking to me, and only me. I felt so connected to the actors through the whole play. I cannot stress how much I loved Aunt Glo. To be honest, I feel like I connect with Aunt Glo. The fact that she was so loud and obnoxious. At work, I’m known to be loud and obnoxious, just by the way I laugh and to see Aunt Glo with her loud and obnoxious personality, just reminded me of being at work and laughing uncontrollably loud through the aisles. Although her personality matches mine, we definitely do not have the same fashion sense. I’m sorry but that cheetah print suit has got to go.

The ending just blew me away. I grew up around Disney and I cannot stress how much I love Disney. Anything with Disney World will win my heart, so this play won my heart. Disney World is amazing and that is the best ending I could ever ask for.

One response so far

One Response to “Probably the Best I’ve Seen.”

  1.   Natalie Mae De Pazon 08 Dec 2012 at 4:09 pm

    I love how you dedicated a good amount of your post to the coffins also! Weren’t they just so innovative? I’m happy that you enjoyed them as much as I did. Although I wasn’t sure if I liked the entire play as a whole, at first, I do think back about it in a very positive light. During the time I went, it seems as if the play was written exactly for the audience that came to see it (except for me). I thought that there were many remarks that flew over my head and didn’t understand while others laughed or smirked. Did you feel that way also?


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