Nov 21 2012

I’ll Scream with you.

This maybe extremely ignorant of me but walking into MoMA during such a hectic week,  I did not recognize Scream at first. In fact, I passed by it casually and said, “I feel you, man.” It was only moments after I felt as if this face knew all the stresses I had  been going through lately that I was able to clear my thoughts and really focus on the pieces of art. As soon as I did, all I thought and felt was awe and curiosity. Sometimes, it seems to me that art is so arbitrary. I mean, I made a drawing like that in third grade. Come on, how is it art. But when one looks closely at each stroke, the selection of colors, the execution of the artwork itself, it suddenly becomes a project larger and more complex than anything I would ever dare to tackle. Even the giant luxury leather raft that I, at first, thought was there for weary art appreciating amateurs, became an actual piece of work in my mind. Now, I am not saying that I am an expert or will be anytime soon but I believe I see exhibits differently now. But off the record, I am glad I connected with that screaming art somehow. That’s the point of art isn’t it?×290.jpg&w=290&h=290&ei=pD6tUNj9JIit0AGi0IDYDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=140&dur=2150&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=148&ty=119&sig=102592201894873628021&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=147&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:88


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “I’ll Scream with you.”

  1.   jackelynediazon 24 Nov 2012 at 6:47 pm

    My post about Scream talked about how interesting I find it that art can evoke such different responses from different people. You walked in and didn’t even notice it at first but then you thought about how you related to the stresses the figure seemed to be feeling. I saw it and thought about the devastation in Rockaway. And I’m sure all of our classmates had totally different and unique responses. I see where you’re coming from in appreciating the artwork that at first seems child-like because I had a very similar reaction. Definitely beats the stick figures I can draw!


  2.   michaelmanoplaon 19 Dec 2012 at 10:53 pm

    Wow hilarious take on “The Scream” and don’t worry your not ignorant it actually does look like a crayon drawing. But interestingly enough you related to it and I think that is what a picture is about just getting someone to relate to your art is a success. So the fact that you instantly related to “The Scream” makes it that good of a painting….for me at least.


  3.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:56 pm

    I just have to say that I love all your titles for your blog posts. I know you take the time to come up with really good ones, and I had to let you know that I appreciate it. I remember when you were in those stressful times and I think it’s great that you were able to connect with the artwork. Many people do not appreciate The Scream, and I think I actually appreciate it more after reading your post. Thanks for that!


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