Nov 25 2012


I love the holiday season and what a way to start the holidays off than by watching the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall with your family. I had seen the performance when I was seven years-old and watching it again 11 years later was very different. Of course over the years, the musical changes to reflect the times, when I was young, the musical was more of a living homage to the great stories of Christmas. This year however was all about the new age of technology and the changing times, making the climax of the show an entire 3D musical number for the audience. This was strange for me since I remember the 3D being only a small part of the beginning of the show, not given its own musical number. There was the classic nativity scene with live animals and beautiful scenery, but the best part of the musical was simply the Rockette dance numbers. The march of the wooden soldiers was amazing to watch as well as all of the transitional dance numbers (like the one in the picture above). The iconic Christmas music and the wonderful lessons by Santa just filled the audience with happiness and holiday cheer. The only thing I like about winter is the holiday season and watching this musical just got me so excited for the upcoming holiday joy.

One response so far

One Response to “CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!!!!!!!!”

  1.   bmcintyreon 22 Dec 2012 at 12:14 pm

    The Christmas Spectacular is something that always reminded me of the Christmas season as a child. The commercials and the the various times I went to see it were great memories that I’ll never forget. But it sounds like quite a bit has changed since the last time I went. The 3D portion of the show you mentioned sound absolutely incredible. Maybe next year I’ll have to make a trip and see for myself.


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