Nov 25 2012

“Wild” With Mediocrity

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From the first punchline I knew what I was in store for. Every aspect, every story line, every punchline, every character was as predictable as can possibly be. Not that the play wasn’t entertaining, some of the jokes were a little outdated (Bruce Lee action figure), but I also just knew what jokes were gonna be made. It was like watching a Tyler Perry movie live, “Madea Gets A Gay Nephew.” The only unpredictable aspect of this play was the scene changes. The way the scenery came from changing the coffins was very innovative and creative, I wasn’t expecting to see a car come out of a casket. The quick scene-changes from a giant map of the eastern seaboard to the room in Disney World were seamless and well thought out. The actors played the four main characters well and did have a very distinct portrayal of each character. Unfortunately I knew the entire character within two seconds of meeting them, there was no real character development, once you knew them, you knew what they were gonna say, what they were gonna do, and the jokes they were gonna make. Of course the main characters had an epiphany about how their loves should continue after the death of their most important family member, it would have been real if they both hated each other and walked away from the situation. I understand it’s supposed to be an upbeat and happy play, that’s why it’s called Wild With Happy, but there is such a thing as too happy.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to ““Wild” With Mediocrity”

  1.   michaelmanoplaon 19 Dec 2012 at 11:47 pm

    Blasphemy! But I guess I will agree to disagree but personally I believe the play was hilarious. Even though there was very stereotypical roles such as the aunt I still think they played their parts well. Although I will agree that there was no genuine character development but maybe there wasn’t supposed to be any growth.


  2.   bmcintyreon 21 Dec 2012 at 6:14 pm

    Sorry Mike but I have to side with Konstantin on this one. The title he coined fits it absolutely perfect. I don’t know if you guys saw a different show than we did but regardless of acting ability, the play was not my type of humor.


  3.   yafav132on 30 Dec 2012 at 10:55 pm

    I have to agree with Michael, the play was hilarious. I guess in a way it presented the typical African American humour that is so common in all Madea movies. Do you think there was room for character development?


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