Nov 26 2012

Mo’ Mo’ MoMa

I love going to the MoMa. It is filled with amazing artwork and this time, the museum had Edvard Munch’s The Scream. The famous artwork was in my presence that day I visited the MoMa. In the artwork, it seemed like the person was in a nightmare. It reminds me of Home Alone, when Macaulay Culkin screams with his hands on his cheeks at the sight of a spider in his bathroom.  I could relate to this because my life has been so complex and overwhelmed with the immense amount of work that I have to do and all I want to do is scream and let all the stress evacuate my system. It is amazing how simple this painting is with the use of oil pastels, whose colors flow throughout the artwork.

I also got a chance to see MoMa’s New Photography 2012 that represented five artists and their distinct techniques in their art. There were only a couple out of those artists that stood out to me. In almost all of Michele Abeles work, she has bodies parts incorporated into her work, some of them weren’t rated PG. But we are all mature adults here! Birdhead used Black and White still-life photography. My favorite one would be this one. I think it was because the bike was incorporated into the photograph, which add more depth to the artwork.

Going to the MoMa to see these exhibits was an exciting experience. I love going to museums mainly because I get to spend my time  looking and appreciating  at beautiful and uniques pieces of art.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Mo’ Mo’ MoMa”

  1.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 3:10 pm

    I know how you felt during that time, you wouldn’t stop complaining. The simplicity of the painting definitely makes it more emotional and connectable to the audience. I’m sorry I’m not as mature as you but I was laughing at the rated-R photography. It was too weird for me. But the black and white simple photography was definitely good.


  2.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:53 pm

    I never thought of The Scream being like Macaulay Culkin, but now I can totally see it. I think all of us have felt like that person in The Scream before and it just helps create and outer display so people can see what it looks like to others when we are in such a distressed state. I think it’s awesome that you also liked Birdhead’s work. I’m a big fan of Black and White film photography and their work was fantastic.


  3.   nayoungahnon 21 Dec 2012 at 9:43 pm

    I just love how you took the snapshot of other people imitating the pose of “the scream”. I completely agree it really reminds me of Macaulay Culkin in his movie “Home Alone.” It also led me to question, when did this gesture become a symbol for “scream” because there are many ways to portray a person scream but a lot of people (and especially the media) seem to have taken the gesture of Munch’s piece to show frustration or shock. Do you possibly think Munch’s piece would have caused this phenomenon or do you think it was existant even before his period?


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