Nov 26 2012

Why Swim?

My overall experience of the Barnard Fall Project was unique. I, honestly, didn’t understand what was going on.I still am questioning what was going on in the dances. I constantly asked myself what was going on in the dance. There was constant movement. I am still wondering if there were trying to portray an animal or having a swimming competition.

I applaud the dancers at their great stamina. The area was a small stage and I got to see the sweat running down the performers faced. I respect the dancers to have confidence to parade around with those skin tight uniforms. They were able to move their bodies so swiftly and I know that I couldn’t be able to do that.

I only stayed for two skits of the performance. All that was going throughout my mind was, “WHAT IS GOING ON!” The second skit was more confusing because there were these girls whose names changed throughout the scene. One word I would use was weird. They had little lines but I didn’t know what they wanted to convey to the audience. Once they would march uniformly they would separate into completely chaos. It was as if they were having seizures while walking around.

I guess this modern art was too modern for me to grasp the point of these dances.

One response so far

One Response to “Why Swim?”

  1.   dfunderlichon 06 Dec 2012 at 12:36 pm

    My experience was unique as well and I also did not understand what was going on! I like your idea of them trying to portray an animal or them trying to have a swimming competition. I also think the dancers did a great job and I was happy that we all got to enjoy in this unique experience together. What do you think the dancers could have did to make the dance more understandable to the viewer?


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