Dec 19 2012

The Strive to Find My Passion in Music

Dragging my friend along to another IDC event because I never like to go home late at night all alone. After all, all of the ones I did drag him, he did enjoy and this one was just another one to add to his list of things that I dragged him he enjoyed.

I have to say Cindy Blackman Santana Trio was simply amazing. I’m really not a fan of jazz music and I’m still not, but the sound and her passion for the drums really caught my attention. Throughout majority of the performance, her eyes were closed as if she didn’t need to watch herself play. She knew exactly what she was doing just by her instincts. That is the one thing I love most about musicians. The fact that they don’t need sheet music in front of them to play a great performance, they use their own instinct to know when to play, when to pause, and when to just go with the flow. I find it amazing and that is the one thing that makes me wish I stuck to playing the piano.

After watching Cindy Blackman play her heart out, I really just wanted to start playing the piano again. As a kid, I grew up playing the piano but I didn’t have much heart into it, but after seeing all these musically talented people performing, I just wanted to find my musical talent again. I wanted to be able to play a song by heart with my eyes close. I wanted to play every rest and every note with my instinct and not have to read sheet music to know when to play a pause or when to pick up the pace or not. Her passion for the drums made want to find my passion for the piano. To be able to play an instrument like her and to show everyone my passion for that instrument just by the way I play.

Her intensity as a musician inspired me to find my passion for the piano and for music in general. Great way to end my first semester.

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