Dec 21 2012

Drum Roll Please…

Playing the drums was always something that I wanted to perfect. Banging pots and pans, tapping with pencils and drum solos on the steering wheel of my car are the closest I think I’ll ever get to being a famous drummer. So instead I’ve taken to watching various drummers and simply appreciating their talents. The performance put on by Cindy Blackman Santana was absolutely



incredible. Her drumming was superb and so were the base and piano players. But the one thing the truly resonated with me was her body language. As she banged away her closed eyes and flailing limbs showed her connection to the music. In my experience this is something that is apparent in most talented musicians because they are the ones that really feel the music. It is because of this that these musicians create the best music and are the most interesting to watch perform.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Drum Roll Please…”

  1.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:49 pm

    I can only imagine you trying to play the drums on a pot. That would definitely be a sight to see. But I agree with you when it comes to Blackman’s body language. I really like to see when musicians really feel the music and put everything they have into it. I know this one drummer, his name is Jeff Hanes, and every time he performs he feels the rhythm and becomes a part of the song. That alone, makes it interesting to watch a performance. It’s almost better than the music, because you can tell that the performer really loves what they’re doing.


  2.   nayoungahnon 21 Dec 2012 at 10:20 pm

    I just love the picture you added to your blog post. It exactly portrays her energy and the body language you mention. Personally, I felt she was too much overpowering the other instruments when it was supposed to be a trio. But maybe it just happens when one is truly and deeply immersed in what they like to do.


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