Dec 21 2012

Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again!

Recently went to see Mamma Mia on Broadway. My aunt came all the  from Australia to visit New York. So of course we went sight seeing. I recently went to see Mamma Mia on Broadway. My aunt just wanted to experience a Broadway play. Going to see Mamma Mia was also my very first Broadway play. I thought it was ridiculously cheesy. But my aunt enjoyed every minute of it. She even sang along to the songs. It was nice to see my aunt and go toto see my first Broadway play.

The costumes were on point and so was the singing. I enjoyed how each scene transitioned with the moving background. Everything was choreographed well and the everyone performed really well also. There was high energy coming from the cast and the audience. Everyone seemed really into the play, maybe it was because majority of the audience was way older than me. Maybe that’s why they seemed to appreciate this play more since they listened to this music when they were my age. ABBA seemed to be a favorite amongst the older generation. I was familiar with the play because I saw the movie. I can say that the play was a hundred times better than the movie.

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