Dec 21 2012


I recently visited MOCA: Museum of Chinese in America. I came along with all my line sisters from my sorority. I knew someone who worked there and they let us go in for free! It was very interesting to see pieces of art that reflect Chinese American culture. I was fascinated by the comic exhibit that not only had Chinese comic books but how Chinese characters were incorporated in to American comic books. There was also this book that showed the differences between different types of Asians, such as the difference between Chinese and Korean people. It was a great experience to learn more about Chinese culture!

It’s located in Chinatown if anyone wants to visit!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “MOCA”

  1.   nayoungahnon 21 Dec 2012 at 10:25 pm

    This place sounds so interesting. Despite being an Asian myself, I haven’t really gone to any places that represent Asian culture within New York, and this place sounds like a great place to start. I have to confess, I am a bit scared to encounter how the Chinese distinguishes themselves from Koreans for most of the ethnicity comparisons tend to contain some sort of sarcasm or cynicism in the form of parody.


  2.   dfunderlichon 22 Dec 2012 at 10:05 am

    I am glad that you chose a cultural event like MOCA: Modern Chinese in America. This sounds like an interesting museum to visit because it can allow the patron to learn about modern times! I love comic books, and I am sure I would love going to this museum. I find it interesting that it shows the differences between all the different types of Asians. How do you feel that this event influenced your cultural identity and how has it influenced you? What do you think the main cultural viewpoint of MOCA is and how does it portray this viewpoint to its patrons?


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