Dec 21 2012

Museum of Natural History

Published by under Cultural Passport Event

Thanks to Tom Seubert, I listened to him. SMARTEST THING I’VE DONE. I went to the Museum of Natural History at around 4:30 P.M. before I had to go to work and guess who got in for free? I DID. Lovely, plus I didn’t have a bunch of little kids running around at the Museum because of a class trip or anything. Lovely. Absolutely awesome. Kudos to Tom for the heads up!

Anyways, I constantly love dragging my friends along these culture events. I love opening their eyes to what is around NYC just as how this class opened my eyes too. I’ve been to the Museum of Natural History before in middle school for a class trip, but I took it as an opportunity to get out of school and have a day spent outside with friends. Of course, this experience was completely different. I literally took everything I saw and was completely in love with everything around me. I honestly love dinosaurs and every time I see the fossils all around me I imagine them coming alive and walking around the museum. My childhood imagination always comes alive when I’m around dinosaurs.

As a kid going to this museum, you just walk around and go “This is so boring, I want to go home, I want to eat, I don’t want to be here. Well at least I’m out of school.” But when you go through on your own time and actually go to see what’s at the museum, I think you appreciate things a lot more.

Plus the fact that there were no kids running around and my friend didn’t get a chance to make fun of the fact that elementary school kids are as tall as me since we didn’t see any made my day.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Museum of Natural History”

  1.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:16 pm

    It makes me really happy that you’re a dinosaur fan too! One day we all have to go to the Museum of Natural History and take in the beauty that is the dinosaur exhibit.


  2.   dfunderlichon 22 Dec 2012 at 10:02 am

    I’m glad that Tom Seubert led you in the right direction, he is a great guy! I am glad that you got in for free, because I had to pay for one of my cultural passport events. But thank you for recommending the Museum of Natural History to me. What are some of the things that you learned from this experience and how have they shaped your life? What does the Museum of Natural History teach its patrons, and what makes this experience so special?


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