Dec 21 2012

The Last One

You can never go wrong with a musical performance so although this was the last event we attended as a class, it was the first time I wasn’t nervous about hating what I would see. Cindy Blackman is an amazing drummer to say the least. It was different to see such a talented woman playing an instrument generally associated with men. Aside from her obvious talent, I was amazed by how into the music she was. It seemed as though she was lost in her performance. I felt as though our presence was completely irrelevant to her; not because she didn’t care about her audience, but because she was so entranced by what she was doing. It really was an amazing thing to watch. She is by far the most passionate musician I have ever seen live. Generally you can tell that musicians love and enjoy what they are doing but Cindy Blackman took this passion to a whole new level. I’m not going to lie, I was having a mostly awful day, and all the drumming didn’t really help the crazy headache I had at the time, but the talent she displayed was impossible to deny. It was a great performance to end the semester with, and I’m glad that we were able to squeeze just one more cultural encounter in despite the hectic atmosphere we were living in.

One response so far

One Response to “The Last One”

  1.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 3:43 pm

    I agree that the musical performance was nice. But as you noticed in my post, this was a trio, and the others looked lost quite a few times while she was playing. She is a master of her art and she plays with emotion, trance-like as you said, I just would have liked to hear the others a little more.


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