Dec 30 2012

It’s Over….

I can’t believe I’m at the end of my first semester of college. Time flew. I know I have grown a lot as a person. Better yet I’ve matured. When I first looked at my schedule, I was a bit unhappy with the classes I had gotten stuck with. But I guess in the end it was worth it. I know that I’ve created some lasting relationships and I am content with that.
Moving on with IDC, what can I say?
I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed it or how it was fundamental to me becoming more aware of my surroundings.
But I think I would rather begin with the latter. Moving to NYC was a big shock to my suburban self. I mean there wasn’t a big shock to living on my own but rather the shock of being in this metropolis so unlike what I was used to. In the first weeks I visited all the touristy places. Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Central Park.

I feel that for many of you guys, college hasn’t really changed your way of life that much. I mean there’s the class twice a week, the papers and all of that.

For me it was different. I mean I moved here from Denver, it’s not the same. Living on my own wasn’t really an issue, but rather finding the motivation to continue on with each craptastic day.

IDC was my favorite class.  I got to explore the city and become more cultured.

In the process of doing so, I think I learned a bit about myself.

I mean, it’s not the typical oh yes, I found myself. But more of a ‘I’m a bit more grown up.’702504_10200224996934152_5032828_n

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