Aug 20 2012

Embedding Media in your Posts

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Follow the steps below to add an image to your post.

  1. Type up your post and then place your cursor at the point in your post where you’d like to insert the picture.
  2. Click on the rectangular button next to “Upload/Insert” just above the tool bars at the top of the post box (if you hover over the button you will see the text “Add an Image”).
  3. Click on “Select Files” (next to “Choose files to upload”).  If you are choosing a file from your computer, you can then browse for it (the same you would if you were uploading an attachment to an e-mail). Once you find the image you want, click “Select.”
  4. You may then re-title the image if you would like (to make it easier to manage/find later on). You may also add a “caption” that will appear under the image.
  5. At the bottom of the screen you can change the “Alignment” and “Size” of the image. FYI: if you have a large file and opt to have it show up as small or thumbnail size in order for it to fit better in your post, when you click on the image once the post is published, it will take you to a screen with a larger image.
  6. Don’t forget to click “Insert into Post” (just below the “Alignment” section) before clicking “Save Changes” at the bottom. If you don’t click “Insert into Post,” it won’t show up in your post when you publish it.
  7. You can always click “Preview Changes” (upper right hand corner) before you click “Publish” or “Update” to see what the post will like like after the images are added.
  8. Remember, if you don’t like something, even after it is published, you can go back and change it. Just click “edit” below the post and work away. If you want to change the image, hover over the image you will see a red circle with a line through it, which will let you delete the image, or you can select the small image icon next to the red circle in order to edit the image.

If you are copying and pasting a link from youtube, just paste the link directly into the post; WordPress should recognize the link and embed the video directly in the post. You can check to see if the embed worked by going to “Preview” (or “Preview Changes” depending on whether or not you’ve already published the page) in the upper right hand corner.

For additional help, check out this video on Embedding Photos, Video, & Audio into your Post

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