All posts by Kevin Cheng

Project Idea

A community that has piqued my interest is the community that surrounds the Fresh Kills landfill located in Staten Island. Not only does this place have a killer name, but also it definitely seems like a topic that could likely be controversial and complex in nature. Something about the name and the concept associated with it just grabs my attention. I am also a bit curious what kind of people live in the area and why they have chosen to live in such a residential area that does not seem very appealing.

Introduction – Kevin Cheng

My name is Kevin Cheng and I grew up in Whitestone, Queens. I intend to major in actuarial science and minor in interdisciplinary studies and computer information systems. I graduated earlier this year from Stuyvesant high school where I realized my passion not only for statistics but also for bodybuilding.

I couldn’t wait to go to Baruch College when I learned that they had an actuarial science program, as well as an easily assessable gym. At the start of the year I found myself going to the gym every day and also studying for my first actuarial science exam on my own on the side.

I hope to have passed all of my actuarial exams by the time I am 26, be recognized as a member of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and end up working at a major insurance company.

I hope to extend my overall general knowledge through the endeavors associated with taking this course and expose myself to ideas that I previously would not have encountered or contemplated without the resource of such a liberal arts class.

I also like to make weird faces, and often unconsciously move my left eyebrow.
