All posts by Stella Kong

Project Idea

For my neighborhood project, I want to do one of these two neighborhoods:

1) Tribeca: I want to look into the history of the neighborhood from its development to its rise as one of the most expensive neighborhoods in New York City. Its residents include some of the most notable celebrities and businessmen. I hope to also explore the architecture of the neighborhood which is very interesting and unique. Lastly, I want to research the impact that 9/11 had on Tribeca.

2) Williamsburg: I think Williamsburg is one of the most interesting neighborhoods in NYC because of its evolution. Once a raw industrial center cut off from the city, Williamsburg has transformed into an artistically rich residential neighborhood. I am curious of the impact of rezoning and gentrification and also of the various ethnic groups along with artists and musicians.

Hi, I’m Stella

Hi, my name is Stella Kong. I am 18 years old and was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I am currently a freshman at Baruch and am completely undecided in what I want to major in. What brought me to Baruch initially was a desire to pursue business but now I’m not sure I want to go down that road. I am slightly interested in two areas of business: marketing and international business. I also have a healthy interest in political science. Hopefully, I have ample time to figure out what I want to do. As for my goals in life, I have a desire to experience all that I can. Currently, I have a goal to learn how to skateboard. In this class, I hope to learn a lot about the demographics of the city. I’ve always found the “melting pot” of NYC to be the most interesting aspect of it. I’m excited to learn more about the place I live in along with all of my classmates.

Here’s a pic of me with a ginormous christmas present because I love the holidays:
