All posts by ykrins
Project idea
I was thinking about doing Boro Park, from (about) 39th to 59th street and 10th to 18th Avenue. My mom grew up there and my aunt still lives there.
I’m Jacob Krinsky, and I’m twenty years old. I’m from Teaneck, NJ, but now I have an apartment in Washington Heights, which I share with two other guys.
For now my major is math, because I think it will make look smart. I’m hope to work in money-making one day.
I have three older brother, and people tell me I look like all of them.
I don’t have facebook or twitter, or any other kind of social network stuff. I only got texting last year, and I hate smartphones (except when I’m borrowing someone else’s)I’m pretty old fashioned that way.
I spent a year studying in Israel before I started college, which was awesome.
If you can read this, you don’t need your glasses.
The beard is an experiment, so please feel free to share your thoughts. Nothing that you say will be the most ridiculous thing that has been said, trust me.
I think I will learn more about New York city from this course, especially because I’m not a born New Yorker. More than that, I’m a Boston sports fan, which has gotten me into trouble in these parts in the past.