
Hello everyone. My name is Christine Zhou and I currently reside in Staten Island. I was born in Queens but moved when I was eight years old. I have to admit my current neighborhood doesn’t appeal to me much largely due to its suburban characteristics. Not that I would ever live in Manhattan but there’s something about Staten Island that I’ve never much liked.

I chose to come to Baruch largely due to the full scholarship I received from Macaulay. I plan on majoring in Arts Administration almost entirely based on the fact that I would not like to take a calculus course and out of all the majors that Weissman offered this one appealed to me the most.

If I had the guts to pursue a career in which I was really passionate about it’d probably be either architecture, interior or exterior design. I suppose now you understand why I chose Arts Administration out of all of the other possible majors.

I’m pretty interested in psychology and I suppose sociology is of a close relation. To be quite honest I don’t have any specific expectations of this course but any study of human behavior will be of itself rewarding to me.

If meeting new people was a recognized hobby that’s what I’d say I enjoy to do in my spare time. I’m looking to register for a bar tending course in the summer so I suppose I’ll meet my fair share and more of interesting folk then.


Kindly excuse the hat hair. Thank you.

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