See you in class again!

Again I want to let you all know that I am at Baruch and class will proceed as scheduled.  As long as Baruch is open, I will be here.  If there is ever a situation that prevents me from arriving, I’ll send you an announcement ASAP.  Also, you can call the assistant in the Soc/Anthro department (Shelley Watson).  If I do not make it to class, I will call her as well.  My email ( which is listed on the syllabus is also a good way to reach me.  See you this afternoon!

New Reading on Neighbors and Neighboring

I posted a reading for those of you who have questions on what constitutes a neighborhood.  It’s called “Neighbors and Neighboring.”  See if the neighborhood/community you are thinking of studying fits some of the criteria the author lists.  This is not a required reading.  It’s a reference students can use for their projects.  I will also be posting some guidelines for your weekly presentations.  Stay tuned!

Introduction – Xiaoji Zou

Hello everyone, my name is Xiaoji Zou. I am originally from Southern China where I was born and immigrated to the United States at the age of 1. I then lived on the Lower East Side (Chinatown) for about 15 years until I moved the Upper West Side where I now reside. Having a strong Chinese upbringing, I not only value the juxtaposition of the chaotic lifestyle New York offers as opposed to the somewhat resilient Chinese lifestyle, but also all that New York has to offer.

This is what originally lead me to Macaulay Honors College, however not for Baruch originally. I intended to major in the Sciences and Math at City College of New York, but I decided to give Baruch a try as business had somewhat interested me as well. I hope to consider all the possible directions that I can take whether it be in the Medical field, Architecture, or Physics.


Hi, it’s Connie!

My name is Connie Li. I’m from Staten Island, NY, and I travel to school each morning by rail, ferry, bus, and train. I take the commute with pleasure because Macaulay Honors at Baruch is something I dreamt about while in high school. It’s located in the center of a cosmopolitan city. Every day I learn something new – whether it’s on the streets of NY or in the classrooms of Baruch. The school itself is a ground for the exchange of cultures, ideas, and motivation.


Entering Baruch, I knew that I did not want to major in business. I’ve been looking at Baruch’s School of Public Affairs and a minor in Journalism. But, my mind is never set on one path. With Macaulay Honors, I hope I can continue exploring all the fields of study and take advantage of the opportunities that the program offers – whether it’s through internships, special courses, or study abroad.


Furthermore, I’m excited for the IDC The People of New York City course. My interest in public affairs and journalism stems from my curiosity for understanding the relationships and developments of individuals, groups, and social class. I hope to continue discovering hidden aspects of NYC through this Macaulay seminar with all of you!

– Connie

Model UN Conference with one of my friends... I hope I'll continue this passion with Macaulay.


readings and presentations

The readings due for next week are Roediger 6 and pages 30-36 of Beeman et al.  We will watch the film on Monday and discuss the readings on Wednesday.  Check the presentation sign up sheet to see who your partner is.  You will need to work together on the presentation, but each person is graded individually on how they deliver the material and the examples they use to illustrate the concepts.  The idea is to come up with creative ways to communicate the key points and concepts the author discusses.  Some points may only require a simple PowerPoint with important definitions and/or notes.  Others points can be illustrated through the use of images, film clips, or other materials.  You can decide amongst yourselves how you want to divide the material.  Email me if you have questions.

My Introduction

Hi everyone!

My name is Nicole-Amanda Merchan, or Nicole for short. I was born in Jersey City, NJ, only about 20 minutes from where the SuperBowl is taking place. I moved to New York for high school and now currently reside at the dorms on 97th street. I have only one sibling, a younger brother who turned 2 this past November. While it was nice to be an only child for many years, I absolutely love having a baby brother!

I really look forward to this second semester here at Baruch as I discover what really interests me. I am currently pursuing a major in Math with a possible minor in East Asian Studies. It’s great going to school in NYC, the best city in the world!

I chose Baruch because I wanted to go to school in New York while also having a truly unique education. Baruch is diverse, interesting, and above all, fun! I look forward to the many more experiences I will have here, including studying abroad.

I look forward to having a great class with everyone!

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Hi! My name is Michael Mamiye and I’m a New Yorker from birth. I live in Brooklyn with my family and commute to Baruch everyday by Subway.  I have four siblings; one brother and three sisters, two of whom are married. I also have one nephew named Bobby, and another one on the way!

I really look forward to this next semester at Baruch. While we’re all still officially freshmen, I feel as though we got over the rough patch of the first semester. Figuring out how things work, meeting new people, etc. Now that were familiar with the school things should get much easier.

I’m going to admit that the first Macaulay seminar was not my favorite course. However, I can honestly say that I am really looking forward to this next one. I’ve always been fascinated with all of the different types of people living together in this wonderful city. Plus, this course sounds similar to anthropology, which I took last semester and loved! In addition, to this seminar, I am also taking Writing II, Calculus, Speech Communications and Philosophy. I look forward to a great seminar 2 with all of you guys!

And heres a picture of my dad and mephoto

Professor Beeman, Seminar 2, Spring 2014