Hi everyone!! :)

Hello everyone, my name is Janice Fong!  I’m originally from Sheepshead Bay, NY, and I have lived there my whole life until now, where I currently dorm at the 97th street residence hall.  I love Sheepshead, as I was surrounded by both Chinese and Russian culture- which are both awesome!  I went to Brooklyn Technical High School and focused on law as my major.  Growing up I really enjoyed reading and writing, but later found an interest in cross country and track in high school.

I came to Baruch because I wanted to be a business major, but I am still undecided on what my concentration will be.  Right now, I am leaning more towards the Weissman, but I am not really sure what I want to do.  I hope I can find out soon and I am sure that Baruch will help me with its large and diverse student body.

In the future, I really hope to do more schooling as I want to be able to expose myself to specialization in different fields to figure out what I want to do.   As of right now, I love eating, sleeping, reading, and more eating.

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This is me and my roommate (also my best friend that I met at Baruch!) at a Chinese New Year dinner!

Hi, I’m Stella

Hi, my name is Stella Kong. I am 18 years old and was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I am currently a freshman at Baruch and am completely undecided in what I want to major in. What brought me to Baruch initially was a desire to pursue business but now I’m not sure I want to go down that road. I am slightly interested in two areas of business: marketing and international business. I also have a healthy interest in political science. Hopefully, I have ample time to figure out what I want to do. As for my goals in life, I have a desire to experience all that I can. Currently, I have a goal to learn how to skateboard. In this class, I hope to learn a lot about the demographics of the city. I’ve always found the “melting pot” of NYC to be the most interesting aspect of it. I’m excited to learn more about the place I live in along with all of my classmates.

Here’s a pic of me with a ginormous christmas present because I love the holidays:



A Snippet of Me

Hi, everyone! My name is Emily Yeung. I was born in Manhattan but have grown up in Elmhurst, Queens ever since I was one. My community is made up of mostly Asians and Hispanics. Over the past few years, I have actually witnessed some changes in commercializing my neighborhood with the openings of Subway, Carvel, and Starbucks side by side next to the train station. They have bumped out the previously family-owned stores.

Macaulay’s program was influential in bringing me to Baruch. The opportunities that they had, especially with study abroad, interested me. Initially, I thought about majoring in Economics because I found AP Economics intriguing in high school. However, my love for science has triumphed over my interest in business. Even as a little girl, I would question my parents about the existence of life. They would buy me books such as “The Big Book of Everything,” that provided brief answers to questions like: I pushed my finger into a soap bubble and it didn’t pop. Why not? As I continued taking different science classes, I decided that biology was the area I wanted to specialize in. Currently, I plan to major in Biological Sciences and minor in anthropology and economics.

Throughout my life, I plan to engage in different research concerning biology and chemistry. I enjoy performing labs and experiments in hopes of creating something beneficial. I would also like to open or work in a daycare in the future. I love working with children because of their inquisitive minds and bubbly laughter. Because they have not faced many of the difficulties and responsibilities in the world, they are more carefree, which I find stress relieving.

In the duration of this course I hope to learn more about the relationships between people and how that came to be. I also want to clear the difference between anthropology and sociology. I took anthropology last semester and it truly opened my eye to view the world differently, especially when it comes to the idea of “race”. Because I have some knowledge in how race came to be, I would like to see how that affected community building.

My adorable baby cousin and I!
My adorable baby cousin and I!


My Introduction

Hey everyone. My name is Ariel Yuan. I was born in Flushing Queens; however, when I was 7 years old, my family moved to Poughkeepsie. For those who don’t know where Poughkeepsie is, it is located in upstate New York about 2 hours away from Manhattan. Currently, I dorm on 97th and 3rd.

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My sister and I at my Senior prom

Although I love living in a small tight-knit community, Poughkeepsie can get really boring. Attending a small high school where my graduating class consisted of about 120 student, I saw the same faces everyday since elementary school. When deciding where to attend college, I knew I wanted to experience something different. One of the main reasons I decided to come to Baruch is its location. Now living in Manhattan, I have access to many activities and opportunities. In addition, due to its amazing programs and benefits, my acceptance into the Macaulay Honors program also had a major influence in my decision.

As of now, I am a marketing major and I hope to pursue a career in that field in the future; however, my ultimate goal in life is to get married and have children. In fact, I actually really love cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. Additionally, I believe that family is the most important thing in life.


Me as a baby

Lastly, I am very excited for this course. I’ve always loved New York City because of its diversity. New York City is a melting pot consisting of so many different ethnicities. I am eager to learn more about this city and its people.

Well, thanks for reading my introduction and I look forward to getting to know all of you more.

Introduction – Kevin Cheng

My name is Kevin Cheng and I grew up in Whitestone, Queens. I intend to major in actuarial science and minor in interdisciplinary studies and computer information systems. I graduated earlier this year from Stuyvesant high school where I realized my passion not only for statistics but also for bodybuilding.

I couldn’t wait to go to Baruch College when I learned that they had an actuarial science program, as well as an easily assessable gym. At the start of the year I found myself going to the gym every day and also studying for my first actuarial science exam on my own on the side.

I hope to have passed all of my actuarial exams by the time I am 26, be recognized as a member of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and end up working at a major insurance company.

I hope to extend my overall general knowledge through the endeavors associated with taking this course and expose myself to ideas that I previously would not have encountered or contemplated without the resource of such a liberal arts class.

I also like to make weird faces, and often unconsciously move my left eyebrow.


Who is Nicolette Belitsis?

Hi everyone!! For those of you who haven’t met me during the first semester, my name is Nicolette Belitsis. I was born in Manhattan, at Mt. Sinai, and lived in Flushing, Queens for the early years of my childhood. While living there, I attended a private Greek school 2 blocks away from my house. When I was 8 or 9, my family moved to Manhasset Hills, Long Island, about 15 minutes away from my old house. Adjusting from private to public school was weird, because I was so used to being with kids just like me – Greek. However, I quickly got the hang of it and enjoyed my years in the Great Neck public school system.


I came to Baruch because of my acceptance into Macaulay. It’s a great programs and its benefits are simply amazing. I plan on majoring in International Business. I speak Greek and French and I really want to spend a lot of my life traveling, so I think this would be a great fit. However, this can always change… I also like psychology and I could also see myself in public relations, so…


I’m really excited for this class. I just took anthropology last semester which I really enjoyed. I find the people of New York already interesting, so I’m sure this class will further this interest. I’m constantly people watching, in restaurants, on the train, and simply on the street. I can’t wait to get to know all of you!


Here is a picture of my sister and I on the day of my high school graduation. We went to my favorite Italian restaurant in Douglaston which made me a very happy person because I seriously love Italian food.


Hey, I’m Marc


My name is Marc Saadia and i grew up in Deal, New Jersey, alongside the beautiful ocean. I now reside in Brooklyn, New York, but i spent the first 12 years of my life living in New Jersey. Growing up I played a multitude of sports including surfing, baseball, basketball, and football.


The two things that influenced my decision to come to Baruch most was the amazing opportunities Macaulay has to offer and the fact that i am able to stay close to home with my ever growing family. In the past couple of years, two of my sisters have gotten married, and my last sister is soon to be. My oldest sister, Lynda,  had her first child about a month ago, and my other sister, Marie, is currently 8 months pregnant. Things have been amazing, and I am truly blessed to be a part of this family.


I am currently studying English, Philosophy, Communications, Music, and of course the second Macaulay seminar. Most of these are required classes and some needed as i approach a business degree at Baruch. My ultimate goal in life is to make a comfortable amount of money so i can provide for my family and the people in need around me . I hope to influence many lives in positive ways throughout my journey.


As for this course, I am very excited to delve into it, being that I am intrigued by the vast amount of people, beliefs, and religions around the world. The fact that NYC is a melting pot full of different races and religions can only serve to broaden my knowledge and understanding of people from all around the world.


Lastly, here is a picture of me and my handsome nephew Marty.


Introduction- New Beginning

Hi everyone! My name is Aishwarya Bhatia and I was born in India and moved to the U.S. with my family at a young age. I went to Forest Hills High School in Queens. I chose to attend Macaulay Honors Baruch College because the college offered a great source of education. Baruch’s renowned business school, helpful faculty, and apt location confirmed my decision.

As a business student, I am interested in exploring different sides of business. However, I would like to major in either international business or finance. International business is fascinating because it comprises of, as the name suggests, “international” interaction. The idea of owning a large international corporation, traveling to different parts of the world, interacting with different groups of people, and adapting business strategies according to the time and region is very appealing to me.  I am also interested in finance because all forms of business require knowledge of finance and budgeting along with management. Finance has great scope, is not something that will fade out in the world, and is interesting in general.

I am looking forward to second seminar of IDC. I want to learn more about New York City and how it became what it is today. As a history fanatic, I am especially interested in the early 1900s and this class is apt for that.

After college, I hope to study more. Apart from academics, I have many other goals in life. One of them is to travel around the world and see the countless small worlds that reside in and make up one. In my eyes, that is one of the greatest accomplishments anyone can have! Other than that, I would like to practice and master more dance forms. In addition, I would like to learn how to take good pictures. One of my favorite pictures taken by me is:

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More importantly, I would also like to have devoted a major portion of my life to something adventurous.

Well, that’s enough about me!  I look forward to learning more about you all!

My Introduction

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Hi everyone!! My name is Nursultan Djamalidinov but you can call me Nick. I was born and raised in the glorious nation of Kyrgyzstan(it’s actually a real country) and  immigrated here in 2002. Coming here, I had a lot issues adapting because where I lived in upstate New York, there were no Asians at all so when people begin to single me out as the only Asian, I started to feel isolated. I felt a lot more at home when I moved down to Brooklyn. I was actually so happy to see another Asian that I creeped one guy out when I approached him.

I want to major in finance because of a combination of personal and financial reasons. I need a major that can help me get a lot of money because my parents are going to depend on me to take care of them when they retire. I need a job that can pay for them and myself. I also recently got an interest in stocks and I would like to be stock broker. Because of my past and my upbringing, I find the issues of race very interesting. I like learning about the concept of race. I tend to fall in an awkward zone where Whites think I am Asian but Asians do not consider me White. I would also like to know why people are racist and other fundamental questions.

What I really want to do in life is to travel the world. If possible, I would love to travel to at least every continent. Right now, I really want to visit China, South Korea, Japan, and Germany. I really appreciate the study abroad program which can give me an opportunity to get started on my goal.


I’m Jacob Krinsky, and I’m twenty years old. I’m from Teaneck, NJ, but now I have an apartment in Washington Heights, which I share with two other guys.
For now my major is math, because I think it will make look smart. I’m hope to work in money-making one day.
I have three older brother, and people tell me I look like all of them.
I don’t have facebook or twitter, or any other kind of social network stuff. I only got texting last year, and I hate smartphones (except when I’m borrowing someone else’s)I’m pretty old fashioned that way.
I spent a year studying in Israel before I started college, which was awesome.
If you can read this, you don’t need your glasses.
The beard is an experiment, so please feel free to share your thoughts. Nothing that you say will be the most ridiculous thing that has been said, trust me.
I think I will learn more about New York city from this course, especially because I’m not a born New Yorker. More than that, I’m a Boston sports fan, which has gotten me into trouble in these parts in the past.

Professor Beeman, Seminar 2, Spring 2014