
Hello everyone. My name is Christine Zhou and I currently reside in Staten Island. I was born in Queens but moved when I was eight years old. I have to admit my current neighborhood doesn’t appeal to me much largely due to its suburban characteristics. Not that I would ever live in Manhattan but there’s something about Staten Island that I’ve never much liked.

I chose to come to Baruch largely due to the full scholarship I received from Macaulay. I plan on majoring in Arts Administration almost entirely based on the fact that I would not like to take a calculus course and out of all the majors that Weissman offered this one appealed to me the most.

If I had the guts to pursue a career in which I was really passionate about it’d probably be either architecture, interior or exterior design. I suppose now you understand why I chose Arts Administration out of all of the other possible majors.

I’m pretty interested in psychology and I suppose sociology is of a close relation. To be quite honest I don’t have any specific expectations of this course but any study of human behavior will be of itself rewarding to me.

If meeting new people was a recognized hobby that’s what I’d say I enjoy to do in my spare time. I’m looking to register for a bar tending course in the summer so I suppose I’ll meet my fair share and more of interesting folk then.


Kindly excuse the hat hair. Thank you.

My Introduction


Hi everyone, my name is Donald Fung. I was born in Chinatown, New York and lived there until 2001 when my family moved to Staten Island. I currently live in Chinatown temporarily on school days. I went to Staten Island Tech for high school and I decided to attend Macaulay Baruch because it offered a free and excellent education located in the city.

In my four years of college, I hope to discover more about what I really want to do in life. Although I know that I am interested in finance, law, and real estate and will be majoring in finance, I am unsure about the specific future career that I want to pursue. This semester, I am taking Ethical Theories, Computer Science, English, Microeconomics, and obviously IDC.

I am looking forward to this class because I don’t know much about sociology or anthropology and I am always open to discover new areas of interest. I think being aware of social issues is important to everyone and I actually believe sociology and economics have more in common than what most people believe since they are both social sciences that study how groups of people behave.

I have several hobbies that I enjoy doing. I usually spend the majority of my free time hanging out with friends, reading the news, and researching. Other hobbies include playing piano which I started when I was 6 and fencing, which I started during my sophomore year in high school. I also spend a lot of my free time watching movies online and playing games such as Risk.

Edward Benjamin

My name is Edward Benjamin, I was born and raised in West Long Branch New Jersey, a very small town near the ocean in Monmouth County. I currently live in Brooklyn in an apartment underneath my sister, brother-in-law, and two nieces.  I went to a Jewish private school for most of my life, although for middle school I attended public school. I am not sure what I want to do for a career, I am interested in many different fields including marketing, psychology, history, and management. If i had to pick one profession I would probably choose to be a teacher, but it will probably change by the time I am done writing this. This semester I am studying Business Law, Sociology, Psychology of Motivation, and Microeconomics . As of now, I think I want to major in IO Psychology because I really enjoy learning about psychology and I like applying the things I learn about to real situations. I am actually really happy to be out of the Arts of New York City Seminar because I am not much of an art person, and I really am interested in human behavior. I hope to get a lot from this class, specifically the ability to understand what creates different perceptions of the world amongst different communities and cultures, and to be able to identify them. I belong to a very tight knit community and I also want to be able to understand the dynamics and nuances that give it it’s unique aura.574667_117448858416099_900812888_n

This is me and my great aunt who lives in Israel where I studied abroad for a year after high school.

A Brief Introduction to Ariella!

Hi everyone! My name is Ariella Trotsenko and I am one of your fellow classmates here at  Baruch! I was born and raised in a very Russian home in the heart of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. If it’s still not obvious, I am Russian.

I came to Baruch because I knew I wanted to pursue a major in business ever since I was 7 years old. I wanted to stay local and I knew Baruch was one of the great schools in NYC to go to for passionate business students like myself. While I’m not fully decided on my major, I am  inclining towards Marketing and Advertising. I believe that I am creative and possess strong communication skills. I hope to make the most out of my experience here at Baruch as well the Macaulay Honors College. I hope to learn more about my city by the end of this semester so that I can show off how smart I am to my parents friends.

I love to keep myself active and do a lot of activities. I love my house but I love going out with my friends way more.  I hate staying home and try to go out as often as I can. Some of my hobbies include swimming, cooking, traveling, shopping (duh!) and more importantly, since it’s winter, skiing! I am also a die-hard Techno and EDM fan (Electronic Dance Music). A lot of people will judge me for that but feel free to talk to me about EDM and festivals and I’m sure I’ll quickly change your mind.

I hope to learn more about each and everyone of you very soon!

Me and the Parental Units (I get it from my mama)
Me and the Parental Units (I get it from my mama)



My Introduction

Photo on 1-27-14 at 10.52 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Shixu Zheng. You can call me Ryan if you want. I want to be a actuarial scientist because I could get much fun from analyzing and calculating. I have taken anthropology last semester which I believe was a very interesting subject that developed my thoughtfulness about humanity and all kinds of ideologies that people take as granted.  People of New York would  be another awesome class for me because I can apply my previously learned knowledge into the fieldwork project we are going to conduct and deepen my understanding of the subject of people or human. I live in Flushing and I can feel that this Asian neighborhood is able to change the people here, including me. As for my hobbit, I love everything; I attend a weekly salon with all kinds of topics such as architecture, bartending, entrepreneurship, history, and city development. I like to explore everything that would enrich my thought and knowledge.

Below is a link to a video about making coffee that interests me:

How to Make a Cappuccino


This is Alan.

16757_350035461770528_15599200_nHi, my name is Alan Chen. I will major in entrepreneurship and possibly computer information systems.  I lived in Brooklyn all my life and decided to attend Baruch for financial reasons. Since I have already taken a class in both sociology and anthropology in high school, I am not seeking anything in particular from this class other than the ethnography skills.  As an entrepreneur, I believe it is important to consider all aspects of society especially your target market. Ethnography experience can assist me in this endeavor. I will build a technology company that will change the world. To reach this goal, I have decided to learn engineering on the side. Considering Baruch doesn’t offer anything engineering related, I decided to pursue research outside of Baruch on my own time. This includes taking an online computer science class and engineering classes at City University. Aside from my goal, my interests include technology, innovation, design, behavioral economics, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and economics. I want to be part of the group of people, who will build your future.

I like to watch videos like this:


In my free time, I procrastinate!

CorningIncorporated. “A Day Made of Glass… Made Possible by Corning.(2011)”. Youtube Video Clip. Youtube. 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.

My Introduction

Hello, my name is Nicholas Arniotes, and I am a freshman in Baruch College.  I was born and raised in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, a neighborhood in Brooklyn known for its excellent pizzerias.  My family has a history in this neighborhood for several generations.  I am continuing a tradition that has been a part of my family for over fifty years.  Much of my values comes from my family and I consider my self a family-oriented person.  I have many interests and hobbies, which include but are not limited to: watching old movies; practicing music; playing video games; and enjoying American football.

I came to Baruch College because I got into the school through the Macaulay Honors College.  The scholarship allows me to benefit from the quality education that Baruch College offers while being a part of a prestigious society in CUNY.  I feel that Baruch College will offer me great opportunities in becoming a part of the business world.  My decision to come here seems odd to some because of my background as a musician.  The life of musician is very difficulty and highly competitive, so I believe I am better off investing my time to becoming certified as maybe a CPA or an actuarian.

I am unsure of what I want to do in the future.  Whether or not I go down a route of becoming an accountant or an actuarian, I want to become certified for both positions.  I hope to at least live comfortably and experience many new things.  I do not know what will happen in the future, but I wish that I at least accomplish a few of these goals.

In this class, my goal is to become more aware of social issues in New York City and to excel in this course.  I think it will be interesting and I am up for the challenge.


How I wish my hair would look everyday.  My Halloween costume a few years back.

Time, by Pink Floyd

My jam lately.  I uploaded this from youtube and the song was written and produced by Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, and David Wright.

Gilmour, David. “Time.” Perf. Nick Mason, Richard Wright, and Roger Waters. Rec. 1972. Dark Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd, 1973. Youtube. Google, 22 Jan. 2012. Web. 27 Jan. 2014. 

Reminder: Introductions

Remember to post your introductions by Wednesday along with a photo of yourself.   Here are some questions:  Where did you grow up?  What brought you to Baruch?  What are you studying?  What do you really want to do in life?  Remember, that doesn’t have to correlate with your major.  What do you hope to learn from this course? 

Meet your professor: Dr. Angie Beeman

Professor Beeman’s Bio

I received my Ph.D. at the University of Connecticut, where I taught courses in Sociology and Women’s Studies for 8 years. In addition to Intro to Sociology, I taught women and violence, women’s health, social problems, ethnicity and race, and race, class, and gender. I was also the first person chosen to teach the famous racism course developed by my mentor Noel A. Cazenave.  I received two teaching awards at UConn in Sociology and Women’s Studies. I was also very active with the Women’s Center, where I chaired a number of committees. Before coming to Baruch, I taught Intro to Sociology and Ethnic Groups at BMCC and a course on urban sociology at the College of Staten Island.

Through the years, I have chaired numerous student social justice and honors projects. Many of my students have gone onto graduate school pursuing careers in sociology, medicine, political science, law, and psychology. One of my former undergraduate students is now a Professor of Sociology and I continue to mentor her as she progresses through her career.  I particularly love working with the students in CUNY, because like many of our students, I came from a working class background.  My family lived in a small, coal-mining town in western Pennsylvania, a town with very limited opportunities. The film, “All the Right Moves” is actually about Johnstown, PA, which was 20 minutes from my home. In the film, Tom Cruise plays a teenager desperately trying to get out of the dead-end town. Well, to folks in my town, Johnstown was the closest place to go for better opportunities! The struggles I endured while pursuing a higher education greatly influenced the career path I chose as a teacher and a researcher.

In my research I examine social inequalities in the economic, political, and cultural arenas. I specialize in racism theory, social movements, media, and gender. I recently published a study on predatory lending and racial inequality in lending. I have also published studies on portrayals of interracial relationships in U.S. films and domestic violence. In addition, I have been involved in a number of social justice and community organizations. My dissertation received a national award recognizing a commitment to scholar activism from the Society for the Study of Social Problems. In this study, I examined the strategic use, limitations, and challenges of color-blind ideology in grassroots interracial social movement organizations. I also received an award from the American Sociological Association for my research on racism and film in which I developed the concept of “emotional segregation.”  Last semester, I was awarded a partial sabbatical along with the Whiting Award for Excellence in Teaching.

After living a few years in Staten Island, I moved to New Jersey, where I live with my husband, who is a Professor at the College of Staten Island, and my daughters, Justice (7 yrs) and Hope (2 yrs).

Prof. Beeman’s Vita

Professor Beeman, Seminar 2, Spring 2014