My Introduction

Photo on 1-27-14 at 10.52 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Shixu Zheng. You can call me Ryan if you want. I want to be a actuarial scientist because I could get much fun from analyzing and calculating. I have taken anthropology last semester which I believe was a very interesting subject that developed my thoughtfulness about humanity and all kinds of ideologies that people take as granted.  People of New York would  be another awesome class for me because I can apply my previously learned knowledge into the fieldwork project we are going to conduct and deepen my understanding of the subject of people or human. I live in Flushing and I can feel that this Asian neighborhood is able to change the people here, including me. As for my hobbit, I love everything; I attend a weekly salon with all kinds of topics such as architecture, bartending, entrepreneurship, history, and city development. I like to explore everything that would enrich my thought and knowledge.

Below is a link to a video about making coffee that interests me:

How to Make a Cappuccino


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