This is Alan.

16757_350035461770528_15599200_nHi, my name is Alan Chen. I will major in entrepreneurship and possibly computer information systems.  I lived in Brooklyn all my life and decided to attend Baruch for financial reasons. Since I have already taken a class in both sociology and anthropology in high school, I am not seeking anything in particular from this class other than the ethnography skills.  As an entrepreneur, I believe it is important to consider all aspects of society especially your target market. Ethnography experience can assist me in this endeavor. I will build a technology company that will change the world. To reach this goal, I have decided to learn engineering on the side. Considering Baruch doesn’t offer anything engineering related, I decided to pursue research outside of Baruch on my own time. This includes taking an online computer science class and engineering classes at City University. Aside from my goal, my interests include technology, innovation, design, behavioral economics, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and economics. I want to be part of the group of people, who will build your future.

I like to watch videos like this:


In my free time, I procrastinate!

CorningIncorporated. “A Day Made of Glass… Made Possible by Corning.(2011)”. Youtube Video Clip. Youtube. 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 27 Jan. 2014.

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