I was moved by the first part of E.B White’s Here is New York because of the way he personifies New York City. Though the city is comprised of the five boroughs, White, like many of us, focuses on Manhattan as The City. In his work, not only is Manhattan is alive, but it has multiple personalities. I couldn’t agree with that more, seeing the city through a commuters eyes I have often found myself shocked at how a tourist can look at the buildings I rush past each day and have so much more appreciation for them than I do.

I commute into the city every day, and frankly I can’t wait to get out. I want to move far away from New York as soon as possible; meanwhile while I can’t wait to leave, the city is flooded with new people every day that fall in love with Manhattan. They find beauty in the rhythm of the city; beauty in the streets and the subway cars I can’t wait to get away from. I can’t help but wonder “what do they see that I don’t?” The only answer I can think of is a different perspective. I see a city full of workers, myself included, becoming zombies of routine, running to catch a train with no time to stop and admire the unique architecture, art, and history surrounding them. Newcomers to the city are full of nothing but love for Manhattan, and I envy them; I wish I could see Manhattan through their eyes.