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My House: 40.697600, -73.841500
2nd House (Rental): 40.666737, -73.825657
Home in India: 31.514300, 75.345700
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My House

This is my house! It has been since 1998, the year of my birth. A lot of memories have been made at this house, and while the neighborhood continues to change or people on my street move in and out, it's been an amazing experience living here for nearly 20 years now and seeing all the changes occur right in front of me. Whether it's playing basketball in my driveway, sitting on the roof with my friends, or barbecuing in the backyard with family, I have experienced countless memories here and I am one of the lucky few who can trace it all back to one single location. 

8642 107th Street New York, United States of America
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2nd House (Rental)

My house, but not really my house. My parents bought this house a few years ago, and although we thought about moving here, we kept the house more so for investment means. I don't really visit this house that often unless it's to collect rent from tenants or to oversee any house repairs needed to be done. 

150-23 115th ST Queens
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Home in India

It was a trouble finding the exact address of my house to appear through the location search so I just provided the village's name: Dhilwan. I have come to India about 4 times, and each trip was about 2 months long. I really enjoy coming to India during summer vacations and living with my extended family whom I can't see in America. Additionally, I love the outdoor vibes in my village as I live in farm, so I get to experience a rustic lifestyle that's impossible in New York City. 

Photo of me and my mom in the village

Dhilwan Punjab, India