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My First Home: 40.615188, -73.978428
My Current Home: 40.610635, -73.971281
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My First Home

This was my first home where I lived in until I was five years old. My parents were renting an apartment here at the time, which was the year 1998, and we lived there until my parents and extended family were able to buy a house for all of us to live in. The apartment was convenient for transportation and within walking distance to Chinese supermarkets Although I don't remember much of this time of my life, I do remember playing with the berry bushes that were in front of this house. I would always squish the red berries on the bush just for fun and play around the steps off the house with my dolls. It was a good home to spend my childhood in. 

Bensonhurst New York, United States of America
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My Current Home

This is the area where I currently live, which is only a couple blocks away from my old house, therefore I am still living in Bensonhurst. In July of 2003, my parents, along with my uncles, aunts and grandparents, bought a four-family house. My mother said they wanted to move houses because they no longer wanted to rent a home anymore; they wanted a home of their own. To have their own home meant they had their own privacy, their own space that belonged to them. Also, with the move into our own space, we were also able to accommodate for my little brother who was born just a year before the move. 

Bensonhurst New York, United States of America