Chapters 2 & 3

Reading chapter 2 and 3 was, in a way, difficult to digest. Early on, the country specifically put in its constitution mechanisms against certain treatment of its citizens, namely the Fourth Amendment. Against the forefathers’ ideals, the amendment was manipulated to allow the exactly what it had originally opposed. Each step in the gradual process wasn’t enough to cause a revolution, but it seemed like each was more corrupt than the last. The Supreme Court facilitated much the wrongdoing. It is simply outrageous that the police organizations outright accept funds only if they are full players in making drug busts their priority. A scarier thought is that it can get worse. All lines regarding preserving the citizens rights according to the constitution have been crossed already. Manipulating people to plead guilty when they aren’t is far enough. But who is to say how much farther it will go and where it will stop?

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