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Birds during BioBlitz

Posted by: | September 9, 2014 | 5 Comments |



BioBlitz was definitely an unexpectedly enjoyable experience. I simply thought that the space in which we’d be was too big and it’d be hard to accomplish anything. However, the event in its entirety was very well organized and I think it served a great purpose. In my case, with the bird group, I was able to appreciate how important New York actually is for this type of animals. It serves as a convenient stop for many of them while they migrate to the warmer south.

Our method of gathering data was indeed “limited” by the vastness of the place. Limited in the sense that we didn’t really have another option other than making careful observations with the help of binoculars; which also required a lot of patience. In other words, the birds weren’t confined into an aviary the way they are in a zoo, they were free to come and go as they pleased. This means that in numerous occasions when our expert would point to a bird, by the time we ‘d find it with the binoculars, it was already gone. Nonetheless we did get a considerable amount of different birds; over 15 different species were seen throughout the 2 ½-3 hours spent there.

Not only did my group and I noted the physical traits of the animals, but our expert also discussed their different kinds of behavior, their various habitats, their vocalizations—which are divided into three kinds: songs, chip notes, and call notes— and even their flapping patterns while flying; there’s a bird in the woodpecker family that simulates a heartbeat while in the air. In many occasions we were also able to appreciate the differences (mainly physical) between the males and females of a particular species; we encountered a few of them while flirting with one another.


In case you’d like to find out more about the topic, please visit http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/search

under: Bioblitz


  1. By: Genevieve Hynes on September 11, 2014 at 3:42 am      Reply

    I was doing a little bit of research on birds and I came across an article that said that the New York Botanical Gardens is one of the best places to watch the fall migration, which I thought was cool (I couldn’t remember if it was you who said that you saw a whole flock of birds, but yeah). That would explain the flock of birds. I also totally agree with you on the space limitation, it must have been a huge struggle to collect data of passing birds in such a huge space (I can’t imagine trying to see colors or count the numbers of birds). I also was browsing the Botanic Gardens website to see if there was anymore information on birds and found out that they host bird walks every Saturday from September to June. They encourage all people who bird watch to create an account on EBird (a database for Cornell Lab of Orinthology) so that they can collect and provide accessible data to the general public. The site collects data on biodiversity in the bird populations seen in the park. This is also directly related to the article we read a few days ago about citizen scientists, since both professional and recreational bird watchers can contribute to the database. It’s really cool how everything we are doing inside and out of class this semester is related!


  2. By: Elizabeth on September 11, 2014 at 4:19 am      Reply

    I’ll be completely honest: I’m a bit envious that I didn’t get to observe the birds with you, despite the limitations of the New York Botanical Garden. A few of your statements in the post really grabbed my attention.

    Firstly, I would have never thought that migrating birds would use New York City, of all places, as a convenient resting place as they migrated. Cement, large buildings, fumes, swarms of humans, and noisy cars doesn’t seem like the most appealing of environments for birds. I looked up their migration patterns, and got this picture: http://www.birdnature.com/Flyways.jpg. It seems as though the New York Botanical Garden, as well as probably other parks within New York City, serve as a convenient stop on their journey south.

    At most, I’ve probably seen half a dozen species of birds during my entire life in New York City, unless you count the multitude of parrots available in a pet store, and the vast majority were pigeons or seagulls. It’s interesting that you saw 15 species during your Bioblitz trip. Despite the limitations and annoyances, I’m glad that the birds are out in the open rather than within an aviary in a zoo.

    I also found it interesting that birds have different types of vocalizations: “songs, chip notes, and call notes.” This makes me wonder how the vocal qualities/genetics of the specific bird species helped it better adapt to its environment over the course of evolutionary history and in terms of “survival of the fittest.” Trying to find research on that right now!

    Also, the bird in the woodpecker family that simulates a heartbeat while in the air? Mind blowing. I wonder how that came about.

    My last question is… how exactly did you identify that the birds you were observing were flirting with one another?


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