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Pshpshpshpshpssssh. [Bioblitz 2014]

Posted by: | September 9, 2014 | 10 Comments |


Besides our terrible bus driver almost killing us passengers and a couple of pedestrians, I would say that overall, Bioblitz was a worthwhile experience with several expectations met and even some surprises.

I decided to join the birds group and for some odd reason I was expecting something like this…

The Pigeons of Pianzza San Marco in Venice, Italy. (Source: http://geggis.com/Italy/pics/Italy07_330.jpg)

The Pigeons of Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy. (Source: http://geggis.com/Italy/pics/Italy07_330.jpg)

… when really it was not like that at all. It was more of listening to certain bird calls and observing flying patterns and other actions to determine the type of bird. As compared to the other taxon groups, this group had less of a hands-on approach and solely required careful observation and background information in order to identify the bird.

Best taxon group ever.

Best taxon group ever.

Our group was lead by Todd Olson, who was an extremely avid and knowledgeable “birder.” We began our search on the most wild-life-resembling and less-intensively-cared-for trail. What I found interesting was the fact that most groups decided to do go along the same path. This trail (unchanged by human hands) was the one that served to be more successful for prior groups. I feel that this really shows urban ecology on a smaller scale. As beautiful as the well-tended rose garden was in NYBG, not even one bird would be in sight in that area. Over time urban centers will just start expanding even more and in turn manipulating the land around them. So these animals are placed in dispersed pockets which don’t necessarily have the best effects. One example that our taxon leader brought up was the passenger pigeons which have been extinct for a century now. Before going extinct, passenger pigeons were the most common birds in North America. In their abundance, people would hunt them which in turn depleted their flocks. There was also a loss of habitat with deforestation. But how could such a highly abundant species go extinct just like that? Our leader explained that maybe they were so dispersed into much smaller flocks that they weren’t able to breed and survive properly. It makes you think that this kind of situation can very easily occur again now.

Extinct passenger pigeon.  (source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Martha_last_passenger_pigeon_1914.jpg)

Extinct passenger pigeon. (source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Martha_last_passenger_pigeon_1914.jpg)

As I noted earlier, we had less of a hands-on approach so we mostly would stake out in certain areas that seemed to be most promising. For the first 20 minutes we didn’t see any birds at all, but we definitely heard them. Todd began identifying them right off the bat: a blue jay, a blue jay imitating a red tailed hawk, a red bellied woodpecker, a yellow bellied woodpecker, a tufted titmouse and a gray catbird. There was even a chipmunk imitating bird calls.


Chipmunk hanging out on a branch.


In this first segment of having no birds in sight, Todd began to enlist certain techniques to help attract birds. One was to make this a low whisper: “pshpshpshpshpsssh.” The whispering sound usually sparks the curiosity of birds. The other method was to play tracks of bird calls to attract a specific bird. Our leader told us about the couple of problems with this method. One problem is that some the birds have gotten so used the the recordings and could identify it, so that they don’t even respond as much anymore. Another problem with the tracks is that it could potentially disturb the social interactions both between birds of different species and between birds of the same species. For example, some bird calls are mainly for competition and breeding, so claiming territory and finding mates could limit the bird when hearing the tracks.


As you could see, these methods weren’t very fruitful in the beginning, but we soon began to be more successful.

Our first successful area was one surrounded by these brightly-colored, trumpet-shaped flowers.


These were the types of flowers that attracted many types of birds, but it’s most known to attract hummingbirds. We unfortunately saw no humming birds in this area, mainly because of the time of day (3:00 pm). If it had been the early morning, we most likely would have seen more. But we finally were able to see glimpses of the birds we heard earlier on. We were able to see a blue jay and a few American robins. As we trekked on forward, we approached the edge of the forest, which was filled with bird activity.


We were able to see more American robins, a couple of hummingbirds, and even a few red tailed hawks flying so high in the sky, that they were barely visible by the naked eye.

A red-tailed hawk (taken by Emily)

A red-tailed hawk (taken by Emily)

One last place that we saw several birds was at a mini-waterfall. Morning doves, song sparrows and American robins were seen bathing and sitting in the trees nearby.

A robin bathing.

A robin bathing. (middle right where the ricks meet the greenery)

All-in-all, I’m more than satisfied with choosing to join the birds group and I had a great time, unlike the girl in the taxon group next to us who entered the woods and ran into a wasp’s nest and got stung 8 times in a row (ouch). I’m thankful for this experience and being opened up to the vastness of nature, and even being able to see it within an urban area.


under: Bioblitz


  1. By: kmccallum on September 10, 2014 at 10:20 pm      Reply

    I’m just curious – were the New York pigeons discussed at all during your section? I know that cities like Venice and London have huge pigeon populations due to their ‘domestication’ (i.e., being fed by tourists and passers-by). But why don’t other birds follow the pigeons’ example and find food in the urban areas, instead of avoiding the populated zones of the NYBG?

    Also, the bit about the blue jay imitating the red-tailed hawk: is there any reason why it imitates the hawk specifically? Can it imitate other birds? How successful was the chipmunk’s imitation?

    • By: Shio Fung Zhu on September 11, 2014 at 12:49 am      Reply

      Actually Kay, there are birds that can and do live in the City, besides the pigeons and sparrows. We can find various raptors flying around the city, like Peregrine Falcons and Red Tailed Hawks, preying on pigeons and other prey. But these birds have low populations due to their status as predators and the fact that very few urban structures can act in place of the trees and natural structures these birds are supposed to live in, among many other problems. And as such, we rarely see them.

      Then there is the issue of diets, few birds can eat the same kinds of foods pigeons eat. Many birds can only eat certain plant matter and/or animal matter and these food source are not readily available in cities. Pigeons and sparrows on the other hand will eat what ever they can find. Ultimately, the reason why most birds don’t live in urban areas is that they aren’t adapted to using buildings as suitable roosts or consuming the foods available in an urban environment.


  2. By: Neelima Dosakayala on September 11, 2014 at 2:18 am      Reply

    What you said about urban ecology was interesting so I looked more into it and was surprised to found out how big of an issue landscaping is for cities. NYC Green Codes Task Force published a proposal on http://www.nyc.gov and the issue with invasive species has immensely damaged the city’s agriculture, water bodies, and livestock. Ecologists estimated that invasive species cover 3 million acres per year, costing $123 billion annually. And with the city rapidly “manipulating the land” as you said, it is an issue that needs much more attention.


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    TIMEX(タイメックス)のブランドの担当者は「“時刻行く」ブランドの精神をリードしたTIMEX(タイメックス)150年以上を越えて、これは1種の永遠に時代遅れの精神であり、すべての若者と内心依然として若い人々のあがめ尊ぶ精神で、それは私たちを助けるために創造した一本のまた1項アメリカ大統領から街頭に若い人はすべての製品を共同好き。ブランドコピー時計今私達のこの精神をはっきりと現れ、そして今回のロードショー中国の広大な消費者に伝えてほしいと同じ勇往邁進の信念と追求を演じて、時、すばらしい人生を! http://www.ooowatch.com/tokei/hermes

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    ものhalios腕時計でのハードと高速走行しているが、最近いじめのデザインは2013年にリリースされる3つの今後のモデルのための。新しいモデルの小さな部分と呼ばれるダイバースパンのブロンズ製の箱入りの兄弟と、デルフィンというより大きくてより深刻なダイバー。 http://www.gginza.com/%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/daytona/0603615e28537070.html

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    iwcのシャフハウゼンはちょうど最近リリースされた彼らの第3の新しいモデルは、ポルトガルのラインアップで、エレガントなスタイルの旅行・クラシックで、冒険の愛を結合すること。スーパーコピーブランド最新モデルの2つの主要な機能だという手巻8日間としての当て推量を残します。 http://www.gowatchs.com/brand-200.html

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    今の限定版の時計を配置したオメガ同軸逃げシステム装置、スムース、象牙色文字盤が優雅な復古息、その上の時間スケール、針と早期オメガマークやアルファベットは18金の材質、気高くて優雅。文字盤の上のローマ数字の「XXIX」(29)寓意が北京で行われた第29回オリンピック大会。18金ケース径37 mmを経て、スムースに磨きをかけて、18金付きとボタンの黒い折り畳みワニ皮バンドを完璧に溶けて。スーパーコピー時計アーチ防摩耗サファイアクリスタル表鏡を経て、防ミラー処理、深さ100メートル防水。表を刻んで北京オリンピックマーク印刷、唯一無二の限定版番号や腕時計の発売日とともに、黒つや消し専属セット荷重。 http://www.newkakaku.com/chz1.htm

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    多分、それlum-tecプッシャーのブライトリングのような洗練された技術を使用します。を見るために、ここを読む方法を使用して作成するブライトリング磁石の接触の密売人にそのアベンジャーシーウルフクロノグラフ腕時計。私は、この概念は、内部のリングを回転させるはずのクラウンの設計に変換することができるかどうかわかっていません、しかし、それは彼らのために良いスタートであるかもしれません。もう一つのアプローチは、ヘビーデューティのガスケットのシステムの1つの地獄を使うことです。この時計の開発として、我々は必然的にlum-tecの賢い解決のより良い考えを得ます。 http://www.bestevance.com/cartier/solo/

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    18(78)は、ブローヴァ腕時計マンチェスターユナイテッド・クラブの分のマーカーは、1878年(明治11年)の日付は、緑と金で印刷されます。これは非常に賢い(と超便利)クラブの起源へのうなずきです。鉄道の接続を参照して、ダイヤルの間の12時間18分のマーカーの端のまわりで列車トラックの範囲を実行します。これは我々に思い出させました輸入部のランカシャーとヨークシャーのレール・システムによってマンチェスターの開発においては産業革命の間に。 http://www.gginza.com/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%90%E3%82%A6%E3%83%88/item_13.html

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    rmac1自動運動の中には、リチャード・ミルのrm 011レッドtpt石英を提供し、クロノグラフ、およびパワーリザーブの55時間で一年のカレンダー。それは、簡単に1つのクールな「日常着」のあたりの運動とのマッチングをこの素晴らしくレッド」の炭素材料水晶」のケースでは、それにはいくつかのハイエンドの腕時計愛好家は非常に幸せにします。 ロレックススーパーコピー リチャードミルのリチャード・ミルのrm 011レッドtptクォーツ時計セット限定版で50個を生産します。まだ価格設定についての言及はないようだが、リチャード・ミル・ブティックで利用できるだけです。 http://www.okakaku.com/brand-1-copy-1-cheap-0-max0-attr0.html

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