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Hydrofracking – A Personal Experience

Posted by: | December 10, 2014 | 2 Comments |

A few years ago, I worked as a canvasser for an environmental protection non-profit organization called Environment NY. Its mission was simple— to spread awareness of the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking,” to the people of New York City and have them petition Governor Cuomo to ban fracking in the state. This was done by reciting what was called a “rap,” or a memorized speech describing the “evils” committed by large oil corporations like Halliburton or ExxonMobil. We would describe, in detail, the contamination of drinking water and desecration of fertile soil in Pennsylvania by these companies, and how it was only a matter of time before they came to New York. After thoroughly convincing the listening parties of these atrocities, we would politely ask for a monetary donation— usually a regular monthly donation for 10 months— in order to fund our nonprofit.

I had only worked for Environment NY for a few days before I quit. It was a tough job; I was ignored over 90% of the time which, although understandable under the premise of the New York lifestyle, left me feeling feeble in the effort to inform the masses. The other 10% of the time was usually met with disinterest, shallow sympathy, or even violence. I remember I was once approached by an older looking “gentleman” who, upon learning my cause, proceeded to explode in an unrelenting rage— he pushed me against a wall and started to scream (and spit) in my face about how fracking was “safe,” “saving the US economy” and that I was “undermining the future of our country” by canvassing. Needless to say, I quit that job then and there and I haven’t looked back since.

After that episode, I had realized the true impact of marketing and false advertising; that major corporations would go to any length to boost profits, even at the expense of the general public. It made me fear for the future of our country as well as the consequences of a society built upon the conquest for monetary superiority and therefore, inequality.

under: Science


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