Tag Archives: why the healthy aren’t wealthy

Impressions of a Poster Session

After a hellish commute, I arrived at the Macaulay Seminar 3 Poster Session this morning (Sunday, December 6th 10:00-12:00) with excitement to learn more about science in New York. As I was walking the length of both poster galleries, one poster in particular caught my eye.


“Why the Wealthy Aren’t Healthy” had a color scheme that demanded attention. I was intrigued by the title and by the variety of data that was presented, so I began to ask the presenters some questions. That map that is shown there details all of the locations one can buy food in on the Upper East Side as categorized and observed first-hand by the presenters. They came to the conclusion that wealthier people are more likely to be obese because there are more funds for food so wealthier people choose to eat out more often. The most shocking piece of information I saw to corroborate their conclusions was that of all of the places to purchase food in this zipcode, only 1% were fruit and vegetable and 37% were restaurants.

I was very impressed by the energy this team had while presenting their poster, as well as by the overall oral presentation. This poster was in good company, as many of the posters from this morning deserve attention, but there was something about this group’s work that stayed with me throughout the day.