Bioblitz 2017

I went into Bioblitz not really knowing what to expect. I assumed that it would have something to do with science and ecology but I didn’t expect to go fishing, thats for sure. My group and I were assigned to go fishing at Alley Pond. I had been fishing plenty of times before but normally I was fishing on a boat in the middle of a body of water. Fishing in this algae-covered pond was different. The algae made it hard to see fish. Algae is formed from nitrogen and phosphorus in the water. Every time I would cast out my fishing pole to catch a fish, a pesky turtle (whose name is Franklin) would come and bite the worm. No fish were caught at Bioblitz and unfortunately, my group caught the least fish out of all the groups. We are convinced it is due to area that we chose. It was interesting to watch organisms interact with their environment. On a walk that I took around all of Alley Pond, I was pointed to a humming bird by a park ranger. It was feeding on nectar from flowers. Overall my trip to Bioblitz was successful and fun!

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