Capitalism & Environmental Sustainability – inherently incompatible?

Inspired by today’s discussion about sustainability and capitalism,  here are some links to articles about corporate environmentalism:

Alternet: Will Big Business Help Fight Trump’s Anti-Environment Agenda? (December 25, 2016)

American Prospect: Volkswagon’s Big Lie (Spring 2016) – A recent example of one corporation’s attempts at getting around environmental regulations. 

USA Today: Impossible Environmentalism: Green groups promote utopian fantasies (September 7, 2017) – Particularly interested in reactions to the characterization of “utopian fantasies”? How and why are the ideas in the article considered “utopian”? Why or why not is this a fair description?

American Bar Association: The Business Case for Environmental Sustainability (January 2015)

The New Republic: The CEOs Won’t Save Us (August 22, 2017)